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Telecommunications Infrastructure

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 January 2014

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Questions (476)

Michael McCarthy


476. Deputy Michael McCarthy asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he will investigate issues surrounding the ownership of a telecommunications mast (details supplied) in County Cork which is sub-let to a third party; if he will investigate the reason adverse repossession is now being pursued; and the legality of this and the options available to this landowner who has never received any remuneration in relation to the use of this mast. [1704/14]

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The ownership of the telecommunications mast in this case and any legal issues therein are primarily matters for RTE and other parties to the case. Section 98 of the Broadcasting Act 2009 provides that RTE shall be independent in the pursuance of its objects and as such, I, as Minister, have no function in this matter.

That said, I have instructed my officials to contact 2RN (formerly RTÉNL), in relation to this issue for their advice on the matter and I shall revert to the Deputy in due course.
