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Departmental Bodies

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 16 January 2014

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Questions (189)

Simon Harris


189. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number of quangos, State agencies or organisations under the remit of his Department that have been merged, reformed or abolished since 2011; the details of each of these measures in tabular form; the cost saving or service delivery improvement which has resulted; how many more he expects to be merged, reformed or abolished and the timeline for same; if he will provide a full list of all agencies and organisations under his remit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1973/14]

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I wish to advise the Deputy that the Government, on completion of a wide ranging review of State Bodies, published its decision on the rationalisation of such Bodies in November 2012. In relation to my Department, the current position on the Bodies which fall under this review is as follows:


Current Position on Rationalisation

Ordnance Survey Ireland

The OSI will be merged with the Property Registration Office and the Valuation Office which will, in 2014, see it transfer to the Department of Justice and Equality, who are leading on the transfer process

Medium term savings are likely to be achievable in the areas of common back office functions such as HR, conventional (non-specialised) IT systems, Financial Management and Corporate Services. There may also be potential savings in the areas of accommodation and software licences. In the longer term, more efficiencies/synergies in delivery of the merged organisation’s services may lead to further savings in operational areas. Additional commercial revenues which would reduce the burden on the State may also be achievable in the medium to long term.

Digital Hub Development Agency

The DHDA will be fully merged (already on an administrative basis) with Dublin City Council (DCC) pending enactment of legislation. It is intended to revert to Government with detailed proposals for the transition in Q2 2014.

Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) / Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI).

There is provision for certain back-office administrative functions of the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) to be merged.

The BAI - ComReg working group on the proposal identified a number of specific functions, including functions previously outsourced, having potential for providing benefits to both organisations:

· Information Technology – Operational Support

· Information Technology – Website hosting and development

· Finance – Internal Audit

Action plans were prepared for these areas and were approved by the Steering Group in Q3 2013 with implementation commencing in Q4 2013. A joint invitation to tender for IT Operational Support was issued in Q4 2013.

It should be noted that neither BAI nor ComReg is Exchequer funded and any savings achieved would not reduce Exchequer expenditure.

My Departmental remit includes complex policy areas and oversight of State regulation and provision of key strategic services such as energy and public broadcasting. In this context, the number of Commercial State Bodies and Non-Commercial State Bodies, including Regulators, currently under the aegis of my Department is 18, broken down as follows:

Name of Body


An Post

Bord Gáis Éireann

Bord na Móna


Electricity Supply Board (ESB)

Raidió Teilifís Éireann


Commercial State Bodies

Inland Fisheries Ireland

Digital Hub Development Agency

Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission (Loughs Agency)

National Oil Reserves Agency

Irish National Petroleum Corporation

Mining Board

Ordnance Survey Ireland

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Non Commercial State Bodies

Broadcasting Authority of Ireland

Commission for Energy Regulation

Commission for Communications


