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Student Grant Scheme Applications

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 January 2014

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Questions (243)

Finian McGrath


243. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding a student grant in respect of a person (details supplied). [2468/14]

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Officials in my Department have been informed by Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) that the student referred to by the Deputy has been refused a grant as the course she is attending is not an approved course as defined under Article 4 (c) of the Student Support Regulations 2013 and Section 8 of the Student Support Act 2011.

Under my Department's student grant scheme, eligible candidates may receive funding provided they are attending an approved course at an approved institution. An approved course is defined as a full-time undergraduate course of at least two years duration, or a full-time postgraduate course of not less than one year duration pursued in an approved institution.

I understand that the duration of the course referred to by the Deputy is a one year undergraduate course, which means it does not meet the definition of an approved course for student grant purposes as defined in the scheme.

If the applicant is unhappy with the decision in relation to her grant application she may appeal the decision to SUSI.

Where an individual applicant has had an appeal turned down in writing by SUSI and remains of the view that the scheme has not been interpreted correctly in his/her case, an appeal form outlining the position may be submitted by the applicant to the independent Student Grants Appeals Board. The relevant appeal form is available to download from
