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Departmental Properties

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 January 2014

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Questions (310)

Clare Daly


310. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the reason the Office of Public Works acquired a building and handed ownership to Fingal County Council, in order to move their existing library into it along with a small museum, while the premises of the existing library will be sub-let from the county council by the OPW for an Intreo office; and if it would be more efficient to acquire the building and have Intreo sub-let the new building, rather than engage in the extra expense and dislocation of moving the library. [3545/14]

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In the context of the Government Reform programme, under which State Bodies are collaborating in their approach to property issues, Fingal County Council offered the Town Hall premises in Balbriggan tothe Office of Public Works (OPW) to accommodate a much needed new integrated local Social Protection (INTREO) office to serve the town and surrounding area.

The Commissioners of Public Works are aware however of the local concerns around the proposal to move the Council Library from the Town Hall to an alternative location and are examining all options to determine the best way to deliver the new INTREO service as quickly as possible.
