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Social and Affordable Housing Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 January 2014

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Questions (549)

Terence Flanagan


549. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government his plans to increase the amount of social housing; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4053/14]

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The Government’s 2011 Housing Policy Statement clearly outlines that the priority for Government will be to meet the most acute needs of households applying for social housing support. I am determined to ensure that the social housing programme optimises the delivery of social housing and the return for the resources invested. To achieve this, it is essential that we tailor the use of available Exchequer supports to prevailing conditions and explore the full range of solutions to address housing needs.

The financial parameters within which we continue to operate will not facilitate a return to large capital funded construction programmes. The Government is committed to responding more quickly and on a larger scale to social housing support needs through a variety of mechanisms, including through increased provision of social housing.

In July 2012, I announced details of a three-year funding programme of €100 million to deliver some 800 new units of voluntary and local authority owned social housing. In 2014, funding of over €587 million is being made available across a range of housing programmes. This includes a €50 million capital stimulus to support construction and related programmes, primarily in the housing area, including €30 million to recommence a State house building programme; €10 million for an unfinished housing estate resolution project; and €10 million for housing adaptation grants. When this is taken into account, funding for housing for 2014 is effectively maintained at 2013 levels.

My Department has requested local authorities to submit proposals by 28 March 2014 for new construction and acquisition projects under the Capital Assistance Scheme over the next two years. With the benefit of the additional capital for new housing construction, I intend to announce details of a new social housing construction programme for local authorities for the period 2014 to 2015. I expect that up to 600 new social and voluntary homes will be delivered under these measures. I also intend to announce details of a special investment of €15 million for the retrofitting of boarded-up local authority houses to bring these back into productive use. I expect that this measure will deliver some 400 homes for persons in need of social housing.

Delivery of social housing continues to be significantly facilitated through more flexible funding models such as the Rental Accommodation Scheme and leasing but the Government is also committed to developing other funding mechanisms that will increase the supply of permanent new social housing. Such mechanisms include options to purchase, build to lease and the sourcing of loan finance by approved housing bodies for construction and acquisition. In addition, my Department, the Housing Agency and NAMA continue to work together with housing authorities and approved housing bodies towards bringing suitable NAMA units into social use and to ensure continued delivery of housing units for social purposes. Approved Housing Bodies will also play a key role in the delivery of social housing and, in particular, having regard to their capacity to attract external financial investment. It continues to be my objective to maximise the delivery of social housing using all of the resources available.

In spite of the financial constraints within which we are required to operate, I expect the final output across all social housing programmes for 2014 to be in the region of 5,000 new housing units.
