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Obesity Strategy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 January 2014

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Questions (736)

Thomas Pringle


736. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Health if research has been undertaken to establish any link between sugar and obesity; if he will consider introducing measures to regulate the sugar content of food and drink; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3928/14]

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Under the auspices of the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO), I set up a Steering Group to oversee the carrying out of a Health Impact Assessment on the health and economic aspects of introducing a Sugar Sweetened Drinks levy. Since completion of the HIA significant additional evidence has concluded that intake of free sugars or sugar sweetened beverages is a determinant of body weight, so this is an area that I believe merits further exploration. The World Health Organisation has stated that there is convincing evidence that a high intake of energy-dense micro-nutrient - poor foods, which would include sugar, promotes weight gain. In particular, there is strong evidence of a link between a high intake of sugar-sweetened drinks and obesity. For this reason I have forwarded proposals on this matter to Government. The Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) has made recommendations to me in a report on interventions and actions to reduce consumption of foods from the Top Shelf of the Food Pyramid, in accordance with the Healthy Eating Guidelines. An action framework has been drawn up and is being progressed.
