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Flood Prevention Measures

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 4 February 2014

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Questions (587)

Tom Fleming


587. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will carry out an investigation in conjunction with Teagasc and the farm organisations to examine and evaluate the continuation of flooding and waterlogged farmland in recent weeks; if he will provide assistance to these affected farmers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5691/14]

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The assessment and management of flood risks is in the first instance the responsibility of the Office of Public Works. The OPW does have a programme focussed on flood risk assessment and management of high risk areas and farmers affected by flooding in their area should contact the Office of Public Works locally for advice on the best course of action available. Where the issue relates to individual parcels of land, the farmer should contact their local Teagasc advisor or private Agricultural Consultant. In 2013, Teagasc published a very useful farmer’s practical guide to draining grassland in Ireland.
