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Early Years Strategy Implementation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 February 2014

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Questions (202)

Joanna Tuffy


202. Deputy Joanna Tuffy asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the number and dates of consultations between officials of her Department and officials from the Departments of Health, Education and Skills, Social Protection, Environment, Community and Local Government (Housing), Justice and Equality, and Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in terms of input into the early years strategy; her level of satisfaction with interdepartmental and inter-agency co-operation; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [7195/14]

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The Early Years Strategy is one of a number of detailed strategies under the National Children and Young People’s Policy Framework 2014-2018 which is nearing finalisation. This will set out the overall principles, vision and outcomes for children and young people and will guide actions across Government over the period 2014 to 2018. I hope to publish the Policy Framework later this year. I expect that the Early Years Strategy will be finalised and published shortly thereafter.

I appointed an Expert Advisory Group, chaired by Dr Eilis Hennessy of UCD, to advise on recommendations for inclusion in the Strategy and their comprehensive report, ‘Right from the Start’, was launched at the end of last year. The recommendations in the report are being considered within my Department.

I held a consultation event at which key stakeholders from a wide range of relevant areas examined the recommendations and considered whether other issues needed to be considered for inclusion in the Early Years Strategy. There is also ongoing consultation and collaboration between officials from my Department and other Government Departments and agencies on matters relevant to the delivery of childcare services. These consultations together with the report of the Expert Advisory Group will contribute substantially to the final draft of the new Strategy. Further discussion will be arranged if considered appropriate before the final Strategy is published.
