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Departmental Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 February 2014

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Questions (11, 21, 26)

Joe Higgins


11. Deputy Joe Higgins asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will ensure the continued funding of Rape Crisis Network Ireland as scheduled for the end of March, in view of the essential specialist research and support it provides for rape crisis centres. [5327/14]

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Joe Higgins


21. Deputy Joe Higgins asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will ensure that funding will be made available for Rape Crisis Network Ireland, which provides rape crisis centres with vital specialist research and support and whose closure is imminent due to the fact that its current funding is scheduled to be terminated on 31 March 2014. [5328/14]

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Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


26. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the position regarding funding for Rape Crisis Network Ireland; if it is due to end on 31 March 2014; if she will clarify what the process will then be; if she will indicate the consultation undertaken with those involved in the rape crisis sector; and if she will outline the groups which she has met to date to discuss funding. [5334/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 11, 21 and 26 together.

The Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) is an information and resource centre on rape and all forms of sexual violence. The organisation is the representative body for member Rape Crisis Centres in Ireland that provide free advice, counselling and support for survivors of sexual abuse. The Rape Crisis Centres are separate entities from the Network and they receive public funding independently of the Network. It should be noted that not all Rape Crisis Centres are members of this Network.

The new Child and Family Agency, established on 1st January, 2014 has now assumed responsibility for the funding of Rape Crisis Centres. These services were previously funded by the HSE. In 2013 the HSE spent over €17 million on the provision of domestic and sexual violence services. This included the funding of 60 services throughout the country composed of 20 Crisis Refuges, 16 Rape Crisis Centres and 24 Support Services. Funding of some €4 million was provided to the 16 Rape Crisis Centres.

In the context of significant constraints on public expenditure the emphasis has been on protecting funding for frontline service provision as much as possible and examination of all non-frontline expenditure to ensure this contributes effectively to the needs of those experiencing domestic, sexual or gender based violence. The RCNI received funding of €256,000 from the HSE in 2013. The RCNI financial statements for 2012 indicate that the organisation received total income of over €650,000 including €254,000 from the HSE.

The RCNI had a service level agreement with the HSE which was due to finish on 31st December, 2013. This service level agreement was extended to 31st March, 2014 to allow for the establishment of the Child and Family Agency, the appointment of a Programme Manager for Domestic, Sexual and Gender based Violence and to enable the Agency to tender for future support services. There has been very high level engagement with the RCNI in recent times as part of a process which is ongoing.

The Programme Manager took up the post on 3rd February and will work with the Head of Procurement in the Child and Family Agency to continue to put arrangements in place to achieve value for money in the delivery of priority national supports related to Rape Crisis Services. It is recognised by the Child and Family Agency that there is a continuing requirement for training support and quality assurance services and the efforts underway will clarify the range and cost of this support within the overall envelope of funds for this sector. The tendering process for future provision of national supports being undertaken by the Child and Family Agency will be open to all qualified providers, including the RCNI.

As has been the case throughout this process senior personnel in Children and Family services and specifically the newly assigned Programme Manager within the Child and Family Agency will remain available to continue engagement with the RCNI. The Child and Family Agency has been clear in stating that there is a continuing need for training and quality assurance supports for the Rape Crisis sector. Accordingly, I believe it is premature to reach conclusions as to the outcome in advance of completion of the process which is underway to put contractual arrangements in place for the future provision of such supports. I would hope that all parties will remain engaged and seek to demonstrate the value and economy of the national support services to be provided from within the total envelope of ring-fenced resources which continues to be made available to the sector.
