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Departmental Bodies

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 February 2014

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Questions (231)

Michael McNamara


231. Deputy Michael McNamara asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide a list of bodies under the aegis of his Department in respect of Government policy for which he is responsible for answering parliamentary questions pursuant to Standing Order 34. [7008/14]

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While I have overall responsibility for policy matters relating to Transport, Tourism and Sport, the agencies and state-owned enterprises (semi-states) themselves are responsible for those functions devolved to them by the Oireachtas through legislation.  North-South bodies such as Tourism Ireland were established pursuant to an international treaty and accountable to the North-South Ministerial Council of which I am member but are not accountable directly to me or to the Oireachtas or the Northern Ireland Assembly.

When I receive a question which is within the remit of an agency, I  forward it to that agency for direct response to the Deputy within ten working days.  This is a new initiative and is in stark contrast to previous practice where those questions were submitted for disallowance and the information not provided.  The agencies involved are:

Agencies under the Remit of the Department




Dublin Airport Authority


Shannon Airport Authority


Irish Aviation Authority


Commission for Aviation Regulation


Drogheda Port Company


Dublin Port Company


Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company


Galway Harbour Company


New Ross Port Company


Port of Cork Company


Port of Waterford Company


Shannon Foynes Port Company


Wicklow Port Company


CIÉ Holding Company


Bus Éireann


Dublin Bus/Bus Átha Cliath


Irish Rail/Iarnród Éireann


Railway Procurement Agency


National Transport Authority

 Public Transport

Railway Safety Commission


Medical Bureau of Road Safety


National Roads Authority


Road Safety Authority


Irish Sports Council


National Sports Campus Development Authority/NSCDA


National Tourism Development Authority/Fáilte Ireland


Tourism Ireland
