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National Lottery Licence Sale

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 13 February 2014

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Questions (124)

Sean Fleming


124. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will provide a breakdown of the total costs in respect of the sale of the national lottery licence, including consultancy fees paid to a company (details supplied), and a complete breakdown of this and all other costs; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7235/14]

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Three payments totalling €693,750 (excluding VAT) have been made to Davy Corporate Finance to date under a contract to provide financial and commercial advice regarding the National Lottery licence competition, which was agreed in October 2012.  The total payment to Davy Corporate Finance is expected to be €1,156,250 (excluding VAT).  I expect the licence to be finalised shortly so the contract will have covered a 17 month period. 

A payment of €500 (excluding VAT) was made to Davy Corporate Finance in relation to a separate study on options for the next National Lottery licence which it carried out in early 2012. 

Departmental costs of approximately €4,700 have been incurred in relation to the overall process, primarily relating to travel and subsistence and access to online Lottery publications. 
