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Emergency Works Scheme Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 February 2014

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Questions (296)

Martin Ferris


296. Deputy Martin Ferris asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will make funds available to repair storm damage to a school (details supplied) in County Kerry. [8359/14]

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It is open to the management authority of the school in question to apply for funding under my Department's Emergency Works Scheme to have repair works carried out at their school and any application received will be considered. I understand that the school's insurers are funding to cost of repairs to the roof of the prefabs damaged in the recent storms. All school buildings that are not covered by state indemnity are required to adequately insure their school premises including insurance for storm damage. Accordingly, any damages caused would be a matter for schools' insurers.
