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Housing Adaptation Grant Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 February 2014

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Questions (504, 505)

Barry Cowen


504. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the fact that in County Offaly, for example, when applying for the housing aid for elderly scheme, housing adaptation grant for people with a disability and mobility aids grant one is advised that one's application cannot be considered for three to five years; and his views on this matter. [7927/14]

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Barry Cowen


505. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government when his Department is allocating funding under the housing aid for the elderly scheme, housing adaptation grant for people with a disability and also mobility aids grant, if consideration is given to the number of applicants on each waiting list in each county; and if not his views on this matter. [7928/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 504 and 505 together.

I recently announced capital allocations to local authorities amounting to €38.4 million under the suite of Grants for Older People and People with a Disability. I have increased the level of funding available for the grant schemes by 12% in 2014. Every local authority has increased funding for grants compared to the allocations for 2013. Offaly County Council’s overall allocation under the grant schemes for 2014 is €586,105 compared to €551,663 last year. Allocations in 2014 were determined on the basis of the level of grant activity in local authorities in 2013 and on population statistics with a weighting applied in respect of the numbers of persons aged over 65 years.

Through careful management of my Department's housing budget in 2013, additional funds were made available to local authorities with high levels of grant activity, including Offaly County Council. I will be applying the same close scrutiny to the capital budget for 2014 and, in the event of savings arising, these grants will be a priority for supplementary funding.

In January 2014, some changes to the terms and conditions of the grant schemes were notified to local authorities. These changes are intended to spread the benefits of the schemes as widely as possible and to ensure fairness and value for money in their operation. I am aware that the grant measures are heavily subscribed across all local authority areas and my Department will be requesting authorities to prioritise those applications where the most urgent need exists.

Question No. 506 answered with Question No. 495.