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Fodder Crisis

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 February 2014

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Questions (647)

Éamon Ó Cuív


647. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine his plans to deal with future fodder crises here in view of the experience of the 2013 fodder crisis. [8318/14]

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After a very difficult spring in 2013, weather conditions resulted in excellent production of high quality fodder across all fodder types last year. Both yields and quality of later cut hay and silage were good, while yields of specialist crops such as fodder maize and beet were well above average. Excellent conditions last Autumn provided an opportunity for farmers to extend the grazing season. In this regard and in conjunction with my colleague Minister Hogan, a number of amendments to the Nitrates regulations were introduced to encourage additional production. The extension of the period for the application of organic fertilisers and the discounting of certain amounts of meal when calculating the amount of phosphorus fertiliser that could be used supported farmers to extend the grazing period last Autumn and in turn keeping animals grazing for longer.

The situation continues to be monitored. Supplementary concentrate feeding has fallen significantly in cost since last year and significant volumes of fodder continue to be advertised on farming media and associated websites. Notwithstanding the recent difficult weather conditions, mild winter temperatures have also resulted in grass covers on farms that are well above last year.

The indications are that there is a satisfactory supply of fodder available at present. The quality of fodder conserved is generally excellent on farms and subject to a normal spring turnout, overall quantity should be sufficient. At this time, and subject to normal spring conditions prevailing, it is anticipated that adequate supplies of fodder will be available.

Question No. 648 answered with Question No. 610.