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Community Development Projects

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 25 February 2014

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Questions (460)

Ged Nash


460. Deputy Gerald Nash asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the level of engagement his Department will have with the ILDN and the CCMA in terms of developing proposals around any successor programme to the Local and Community Development Programme; in regard to the Leader programme and in relation to a general operating framework setting out working arrangements between LCDCs and local development companies, if he is concerned that no meetings have taken place between his Department and stakeholders since September of 2013 despite an agreement to develop proposals; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9133/14]

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My Department will continue to have engagement with key stakeholders regarding the development of a successor programme to the Local and Community Development Programme, a new LEADER Programme and working arrangements between LCDCs and partnership companies.

Significant engagement with stakeholders has been undertaken to date and it is not correct that no such meetings have taken place since September of 2013. A range of meetings has been held in that time including, for example, three meetings with the Irish Local Development Network, as well as meetings with community and voluntary sector representatives and local government. A further meeting is scheduled for 6 March with representatives of the Irish Local Development Network and other stakeholders.
