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Appointments to State Boards

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 February 2014

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Questions (132)

Sean Fleming


132. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Social Protection if she is satisfied with the number of women currently serving on State boards under her remit; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [10028/14]

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The statutory bodies operating under the aegis of the Department of Social Protection are the Citizens Information Board, the Pensions Board, the Pensions Ombudsman (which does not have a board) and the Social Welfare Tribunal.

Citizens Information Board

The legislative provisions governing appointments to the Citizens Information Board are contained in the Comhairle Act 2000, the Citizens Information Act 2007 and the Social Welfare and Pensions Act 2011. As set out in the legislative provisions, in making appointments to the Board, I have regard to the objective of there being no less than 6 members who are women and no less than 6 members who are men.

The current membership of the Citizens Information Board comprises of 8 men and 5 women. There are two vacancies on the Board, which will be filled in accordance with the legislative provisions.

Pensions Board

The Pensions Act 1990 (as amended) provides for the establishment of the Pensions Board and for the appointment of Board members. Under existing provision in the Pensions Act, I appoint the Chairperson and members. There are currently 8 men and 7 women members on the Pensions Board.

Social Welfare Tribunal

I appoint the Chairperson and four ordinary members to the board of the Social Welfare Tribunal. The Chairperson is appointed on recommendation from the Labour Court and legislation provides that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Irish Business and Employer’s Confederation nominate 2 ordinary members each. While these organisations are made aware of the desirability for gender equality, I must appoint the persons whose names are forwarded by the respective organisations. The current gender balance of the members of the Tribunal is 4 men and 1 woman.

I am satisfied that there is an appropriate balance in the number of women currently serving on State boards under my remit.
