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Wednesday, 26 Feb 2014

Written Answers Nos. 150-159

Social and Affordable Housing Eligibility

Questions (150)

Brian Walsh


150. Deputy Brian Walsh asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if there is any process by which an exception can be made in the circumstances of a person who wishes to apply for social housing but is precluded from doing so because he or she is party to a mortgage in respect of a house in negative equity that he or she owns with a former partner, from whom he or she is separated; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9785/14]

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In order for a household to qualify for social housing support, a housing authority must carry out an assessment to establish whether the household meets specified eligibility requirements and has a housing need.

Regulation 22(1) of the Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2011 provides that a household with alternative accommodation that would meet its housing need is ineligible for social housing support. Paragraph (2) of the Regulation clarifies that paragraph (1) does not operate to exclude from eligibility for social housing support an applicant who owns accommodation that is occupied by his or her spouse, from whom he or she is formally separated or divorced. Under the enactment, a deed of separation is sufficient to set aside this ineligibility ground and it is not necessary to await judicial separation or divorce to get a decision on social housing support in these cases.

The Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2011 also provide that a household who qualifies for social housing support may be determined to be in need of housing if it has a mortgage that is deemed to be unsustainable under the Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process.

The relevant legislation operates satisfactorily in most cases. Nonetheless, in the context of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, which is currently in preparation, I am considering whether legislative change is warranted to deal with exceptional cases that can present difficulties under the current arrangements.

Regeneration Projects Status

Questions (151)

Clare Daly


151. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will implement legislation to ensure that communities targeted for regeneration have their human right to participate in meaningful negotiation regarding such plans as recommended by the United Nations special rapporteur for human rights, Magadelana Sepulveda Carmona. [9792/14]

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My Department currently supports an ambitious programme of regeneration projects which seek to address the causes of disadvantage in communities and large social housing estates through a holistic programme of physical, social and economic regeneration. Some €70 million is being provided in 2014 to support a range of regeneration programmes at a number of locations throughout the country.

Regeneration goes beyond a bricks and mortar solution in improving the accommodation and lifestyles of residents of run down local authority estates and flat complexes. Regeneration seeks to address the underlying causes of disadvantage and social exclusion and to create vibrant and sustainable communities. The projects supported by my Department take a broad focus, beyond the remediation of the physical environment, also to deliver social and economic regeneration of the areas concerned. My Department takes a holistic approach to regeneration which requires rigorous analysis to select the right solution and strategic planning for a multi-faceted response involving all of the relevant State Agencies and stakeholders. Consultation with residents is a key element in the development of regeneration proposals and my Department provides funding for specialist personnel to engage with local communities to ensure that their views are fully considered and taken into account in the preparation of regeneration proposals.

To qualify for regeneration funding, local authorities and regeneration agencies are required to prepare comprehensive evidence-based masterplans, which provide a vision for the physical, social and economic regeneration of the area concerned and set out a framework for delivering on the objectives of the plan. The plan should include detailed strategies and implementation arrangements for delivering all three strands of regeneration and for addressing the socio-economic and infrastructural deficits that contribute to the social exclusion of the community concerned. Beyond this, regeneration masterplans are project-specific and it is a matter for the local authority, in consultation with tenants, the local community and relevant statutory bodies, to determine the nature and extent of individual regeneration projects.

Having regard to the extensive levels of consultation with local communities in the preparation and delivery of regeneration projects, I have no proposals to introduce legislation in this regard.

Litter Pollution

Questions (152, 153)

David Stanton


152. Deputy David Stanton asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he has developed any policy proposals or guidelines regarding adopt-a-highway or adopt-a-road schemes which are operating successfully in other countries; his plans so support such initiatives here at national level; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9798/14]

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David Stanton


153. Deputy David Stanton asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the amount available in 2013 and 2014 to local authorities through the anti-litter awareness grant scheme; if he will provide a breakdown of funding per each local authority; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9799/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 152 and 153 together.

My Department provides the legislative framework within which litter pollution is addressed. Under the statutory framework of the Litter Pollution Acts 1997 to 2009, it is a matter for each local authority to decide upon the most appropriate public awareness, enforcement and clean-up actions in relation to both litter and illegal dumping, taking account of local circumstances and priorities. My Department also provides funding to local authorities to support their efforts in this area.

Under the Anti-Litter Awareness Grant Scheme administered by my Department, local authorities may apply for grant funding for suitable projects including adopt-a- road schemes. Under the scheme in 2013, I requested local authorities to examine and investigate the possible roll-out of adopt-a- road schemes in their functional areas, where practicable. In 2013, my Department made total funding of €900,000 available for schemes under the overall Anti-Litter Awareness Grant Scheme. A total of over € 876,000 was paid out, including over €95,000 paid to 15 local authorities specifically in respect of adopt-a-road schemes.

Funding for the Anti- Litter Awareness Grant Scheme is provided from t he Environment Fund and the 2014 allocations are currently being finalised. Once finalised, local authorities will be invited to apply for grant aid for projects which meet the criteria set out in the Scheme. As in 2013, I will again be requesting local authorities to examine the further roll-out of additional adopt-a-road projects in their functional areas, where practicable.

Details of the individual allocations made available to local authorities under the Anti - Litter Awareness Grant Scheme in 2013 are set out in the following table.

County Council

Amount (€)











Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown


































South County Dublin


South Tipperary


North Tipperary










City Council














Housing Adaptation Grant Applications

Questions (154)

Robert Troy


154. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government his views on the delay in producing the new housing adaptation grant applications. [9889/14]

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Last month, some changes to the terms and conditions of the schemes were notified to local authorities. These changes were made on foot of the recommendations of a review group, established in 2013 by my Department, to examine the terms and conditions governing the suite of Housing Adaptation Grants for Older People and People with a Disability. Membership of the group included the County and City Managers’ Association (CCMA), the Housing Practitioner Network, Local Authority personnel and my Department. Consultations were held with organisations working with older people and people with a disability. The aim of the review was to target the grants at those in greatest need, spreading the benefits as widely as possible and to ensure fairness and value for money in the operation of the schemes. A template for the revised application form was circulated to local authorities recently. It is a matter for each authority to insert details of address, contact persons and logo etc. and to make copies of the forms available to potential applicants.

Irish Water Remit

Questions (155)

Michael McNamara


155. Deputy Michael McNamara asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if Irish Water will participate in the per cent for art scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9911/14]

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Since 1 January 2014 Irish Water is responsible for the delivery of water services including the provision of water services infrastructure. My Department has asked Irish Water to put in place specific arrangements to address the queries which public representatives may have in relation to matters pertaining to the operation of water services under the new utility. I understand that Irish Water made contact with Oireachtas members in the last week to outline the arrangements for addressing such queries in a timely manner.

Question No. 156 answered with Question No. 147.

Housing Adaptation Grant Funding

Questions (157)

Peadar Tóibín


157. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the reason Meath County Council, despite having one of the highest populations in the State, received the lowest amount of funding for the housing adaptation grants of the 34 local authorities. [9967/14]

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I recently announced capital allocations to local authorities amounting to €38.4 million under the suite of Grants for Older People and People with a Disability. I have increased the level of funding available for the grant schemes by 12% in 2014. Every local authority has increased funding for grants compared to the allocations for 2013. Meath County Council’s overall allocation under the grant schemes for 2014 is €572,776 compared to €499,545 last year. Allocations in 2014 were determined on the basis of the level of grant activity in local authorities in 2013 and on population statistics with a weighting applied in respect of the numbers of persons aged over 65 years.

Through careful management of my Department’s housing budget in 2013, additional funds were made available to local authorities with high levels of grant activity, including Meath County Council. I will be applying the same close scrutiny to the capital budget for 2014 and, in the event of savings arising, these grants will be a priority for supplementary funding.

In January 2014, some changes to the terms and conditions of the grant schemes were notified to local authorities. These changes are intended to spread the benefits of the schemes as widely as possible and to ensure fairness and value for money in their operation. I am aware that the grant measures are heavily subscribed across all local authority areas and my Department will be requesting authorities to prioritise those applications where the most urgent need exists.

Appointments to State Boards

Questions (158)

Sean Fleming


158. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he is satisfied with the number of women currently serving on State boards under his remit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10023/14]

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As of 31 December 2013, the latest date for which information is available, 33% of places on Boards under the aegis of my Department were held by women. All appointments to State Boards are made in accordance with the appropriate legislation governing appointments to each body. In considering appointments, due regard is had to Government policy regarding gender balance on State Boards.

Consultancy Contracts Expenditure

Questions (159)

Catherine Murphy


159. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will indicate, in tabular form, the total expenditure by his Department on external consultancy advice services, including legal services in 2011, 2012 and 2013; if this spend is in line with the overall value for money objective of his remit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10321/14]

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The information requested is set out in the following table:









The Market Development Programme for Waste Resources, launched in 2009, involved expenditure of some €1.6 million in the years concerned in respect of work by a number of firms to assist in the development of sustainable markets and outlets for recyclable materials.

External consultancy advice services are availed of by my Department in circumstances where necessary work cannot be carried out within the resources/expertise available to the Department. The awarding of consultancy contracts in my Department is carried out in accordance with Guidelines for the Engagement of Consultants and Other External Support by the Civil Service, published by the Department of Finance. In procuring such services and managing the associated contracts, every effort is made by my Department to ensure maximum value for money and the keeping of expenditure to the minimum necessary to achieve the relevant objectives.
