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Hospital Accommodation Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 March 2014

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Questions (182)

Tom Fleming


182. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for Health if he will facilitate the original agreement between the Health Service Executive and Build4Life whereby eight beds will be ring-fenced for adults with cystic fibrosis out of the 20-bed respiratory unit in Cork University Hospital, along with a dedicated CF team; if he will take into consideration the fact that Build4Life have fundraised €2.3 million for this unit; his views that it is an absolute outrage if the funds raised by this voluntary group are not invested in the specific project that they were intended for from the outset; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11091/14]

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I am pleased to inform the Deputy that difficulties regarding the ring fencing of beds for CF patients in the Respiratory Unit in Cork University Hospital have been resolved. A contract has now been agreed and the project will proceed as planned. The project will deliver 10 designated single in-patient rooms for adults with CF. In addition, a bed utilisation policy will be put in place to ensure appropriate protected access to these CF-designated beds for adult CF patients.

Once again I commend Build4Life on its achievement in raising €2.3m to fund this project in Cork University Hospital.
