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Taxi Licences Renewals

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 March 2014

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Questions (196)

Joe Higgins


196. Deputy Joe Higgins asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his plans to revoke lapsed taxi plates; if there will be provision for drivers to maintain lapsed plates following examination of their individual circumstances. [11033/14]

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The National Transport Authority (NTA) has responsibility for the regulation of the taxi industry under the provisions of the Public Transport Regulation Act, 2009. The NTA is also the lead agency with responsibility for implementation of the recommendations of the Taxi Regulation Review Report 2011.

 Action 16 of the Taxi Regulation Review Report recommended a reduction in the period during which an "inactive" Small Public Service Vehicle licence may be reactivated from a five year period to one year. The NTA introduced regulations, applicable from 31 January 2013 under Statutory Instrument No. 538 of 2012, to give effect to the reactivation period recommended in the Review Report.  
