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FÁS Local Training Initiatives Review

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 March 2014

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Questions (69)

Mary Lou McDonald


69. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will publish the review of local training initiatives that, according to the FÁS service plan for 2013, was to be completed by the end of 2013 [11041/14]

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This is an operational matter for SOLAS. I understand that in 2013 a review process was put in place to enable Local Training Initiatives (LTIs) to be reviewed individually on the basis of an agreed national template.

The LTI review process provides a mechanism for SOLAS and the Education & Training Boards (ETBs) to engage with LTI Providers in a structured manner to review activity undertaken during the period of an Agreement to Collaborate. The objective of the review process is to ensure that each LTI remains relevant to the needs of target learners and the labour market, and optimises the deployment of LTI resources. This review process has been agreed nationally and is implemented on an individual basis for each LTI to inform decisions regarding the project.

All documentation in relation to reviews is held by the former FÁS Training Centres. A number of these have transferred to the relevant ETB while the remainder are with SOLAS prior to transfer in the middle of the year. The question of publication of individual reviews is a matter for SOLAS and the ETBs.
