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Irish Blood Transfusion Service

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 March 2014

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Questions (219)

Joe Higgins


219. Deputy Joe Higgins asked the Minister for Health his views on the prohibition on blood donations from men who have had sex with men; if he will request the Irish Blood Transfusion Service to review this prohibition; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12350/14]

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The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) remit is to provide a safe, reliable, robust blood service to the Irish health system. Blood, and the products derived from it, are an integral facet of healthcare delivery. A major objective of the IBTS is to ensure that it always has the necessary programmes and procedures in place to protect both the donors of blood and the recipients of blood and blood products.

The EU Directive on quality and safety of blood requires that "all necessary measures have been taken to safeguard the health of individuals who are recipients of blood and blood components". The permanent deferral of men who have sex with men [MSM] from donating blood is not based on sexuality or orientation but on the fact that there are increased levels of HIV infection among men who have sex with men in Ireland. While testing for HIV is very sensitive and effective, there remains a period between infection and detection that could cause the transmission of HIV to a recipient of blood or blood components. The IBTS works closely with blood services internationally and keeps developments in this area under review.
