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Departmental Reports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 March 2014

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Questions (60)

Billy Kelleher


60. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Finance if he will provide in tabular form the reports, reviews and studies commissioned by him or his Department or agencies under the aegis of his Department since 9 March 2011; the date on which they were commissioned; the date on which they were completed; the date on which they were published; the cost of each; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12431/14]

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Written answers

A fully comprehensive response regrettably could not be compiled in the time available. My officials have requested the outstanding material from the various agencies and this will be forwarded to the Deputy as soon as it is available.

In reply to the Deputy's question, we have however included in the table that follows this reply the information that is available at this juncture.  Except where otherwise stated, the document has been commissioned by my Department. I should point for clarification out that I have assumed that the Deputy's reference to "reports" does not include annual reports or reports delivered pursuant to other statutory obligations.  These are therefore not included below.

Many tax schemes are reviewed in the context of the annual Budget and Finance Bill but detailed reports may not necessarily be published but may be referred to or form part of TSG papers, submissions to the Minister or other budget papers.  

Name of  Report/ Review/Study  Commissioned

Date Commissioned

Date report was completed

Date published

Cost of  the Report

Review of Remuneration Practices and Frameworks at the Covered Institutions




€119,000 (ex VAT)

PMCA Economic Consultancy to provide economic analysis and assistance in the preparation of the MTES 2014-2020 



It is intended that the report will be published on the MTES website in the near future.  

€49,043 (VAT incl.)

Review of scheme of tax relief on donations to charities and approved bodies.  

8 Feb 2012

Budget day, 5 Dec 2012

Budget day, 5 Dec 2012

No external costs

Independent cost benefit analysis of Living City Initiative

June 2013

October 2013

15 October 2013



Review of the Universal Social Charge

March 2011

October 2011

November 2011

No external costs

Independent survey of R&D performing firms in Ireland 2013





Fiscal Rules for Ireland




January 2012

€15,750.07 incl VAT

Cigarette  survey 2011 Revenue Commissioners

Sept 2011

June 2012

Sept 2012

€28,105(inc VAT)

Cigarette  survey 2012   Office of the Revenue Commissioners

Sept 2012

April 2013

Nov  2013

€28,105(inc VAT)

Report on valuations of properties to support the introduction of LPT Office of the Revenue Commissioners

Jan 2013

Feb 2013

Report not published. 

€56,653(inc VAT)

Report on the operation of VAT in a specific case   Office of the Revenue Commissioners

Jan 2013

Dec 2013

Report not published.

Nil (Pro Bono)

Cigarette  survey 2013 Office of the Revenue Commissioners

Oct 2013

In progress

In progress

€28,105(inc VAT)

Roll your own tobacco survey Office of the Revenue Commissioners

Nov 2013

In progress

In progress

€22,996 (inc VAT)
