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Appointment of Receivers

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 25 March 2014

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Questions (269)

Mattie McGrath


269. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Finance the number of receivers appointed in each of the past five years for each of the following, receivers appointments as recorded by the Companies Registration Office, receivers appointments recorded by the Central Bank of Ireland for financial institutions it regulates for commercial loans and residential loans, the banks in State control and the numerical number of receiver appointments for commercial loans and residential loans and the numerical amount of court appointed receiver (details supplied). [14148/14]

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As the Deputy is aware, in the event of a default arising on a secured loan, as one of the enforcement options available to the creditor, a receiver may be appointed by way of a Court Order or, outside of the Courts process, where the mortgage document permits. 

The number of receivers appointed by the Courts is a matter for the Minister for Justice and Equality while the number of receiver appointments as recorded by the Companies Office is a matter for the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. The Central Bank has advised that it does not publish statistics on the number of rent receivers appointed by Irish headquartered banks. However, the Deputy may wish to note that my Department has recently commenced the publication of aggregated mortgage arrears and related data in respect of the six banks covered by the Central Bank's Mortgage Arrears Resolution Targets (MART) process, and that the end January 2014 data (which was published by my Department on the 13th of March) shows that, in respect of mortgage residential properties, the six lenders had 3,721 rent receivers in place.
