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Departmental Properties

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 25 March 2014

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Questions (347)

Jonathan O'Brien


347. Deputy Jonathan O'Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills the details of any schools where the property ceased to be used as a school; if he has received a request to release his interest under the charging lease in the building from the relevant school patron during the past five years including details of the school or property concerned as well as the patron; the number and details of the requests accepted by him; and the details of any moneys concerned. [13486/14]

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Information in relation to requests to release the Minister's interest under charging leases in respect of properties which cease to be used as schools is held on individual school files. Therefore the information sought by the Deputy is not available in a format that provides readily accessible cumulative information on the overall situation. The scope of the Deputy's request requires substantial administrative time to identify and extract the full range of details sought. However, I will forward the information to the Deputy at as early a date as possible.
