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Water Charges Exemptions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 March 2014

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Questions (138)

Brendan Griffin


138. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government his views on correspondence (details provided); if this area in County Kerry will be exempted from water charges; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14572/14]

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I have no responsibility for, or role in relation to, the management, operation or maintenance of water services infrastructure. From 1st January 2014 Irish Water has responsibility for the delivery of these services. The Water Services (No. 2) Act 2013 provides that responsibility for the independent economic regulation of the water sector is assigned to the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) and the CER has been given statutory responsibility for protecting the interests of customers of Irish Water. This is similar to the CER’s statutory role in respect of the gas and electricity sectors.

The CER will be responsible for approving the water charges plans prepared by Irish Water, and for approving codes of practice to be prepared by Irish Water. The codes of practice will cover matters such as the standard of performance, by Irish Water, of its functions and billing by Irish Water of persons in respect of water services provided; the provision of information by Irish Water to its customers; and the making of complaints by its customers. In discharging its functions, the CER may consult with Irish Water, the public, or any other person it considers appropriate.  The Commission has already undertaken public consultations on the development of the economic regulatory framework for water services and will be undertaking further consultations during 2014.

My Department asked Irish Water to put in place specific arrangements to address the queries which public representatives may have in relation to matters pertaining to the operation of water services under the new utility. I understand that Irish Water has made contact with Oireachtas members to outline the arrangements for addressing such queries in a timely manner.
