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Election Management System

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 April 2014

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Questions (367)

Luke 'Ming' Flanagan


367. Deputy Luke 'Ming' Flanagan asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if the positions of invigilator at polling stations for the European and local elections 2014 can be filled by those on the live register of unemployed; his views on whether this would be a positive, if small, step to include those who are currently excluded from work and income in our society; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16125/14]

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The primary role of my Department in electoral matters is to provide an appropriate policy and legislative framework for a modern and efficient electoral system. Within that framework, local returning officers are responsible for all matters in connection with the actual conduct of elections and referendums, including the selection, appointment and training of polling station and count staff in accordance with the relevant provisions of electoral law.

My Department routinely issues guidance to Returning Officers in advance of each election and referendum. The guidance issued for the European Parliament and local elections being held on 23 May 2014 emphasises that the smooth conduct of polls is dependent on maintaining a cadre of sufficiently skilled and experienced people. Having regard to that overall objective, returning officers are advised to employ competent and efficient persons as polling and count staff and asked to give consideration, where possible, to employing suitable persons who are unemployed, particularly for the position of polling clerk where the responsibilities of the post can be fulfilled under the guidance of the Presiding Officer.
