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Child and Family Agency Investigations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 April 2014

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Questions (547)

Joan Collins


547. Deputy Joan Collins asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will confirm whether the new Child and Family Agency is involved in any legacy cases, investigated by Health Information and Quality Authority under the Health Service Executive, that is, the Dublin North West Social Services where there were a number of confirmed cases of abuse. [16475/14]

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Foster Care Services in the former Local Health Area known as Dublin North West have been inspected by HIQA three times since September 2009. The most recent inspection took place in October 2012. Significant progress has been made since earlier inspections, however inspectors found that some deficits identified had not been rectified. In February 2013, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs established a National Monitoring and Oversight Group within the HSE, which included input from a national expert on Foster Care, to ensure that the recommendations from the Action Plan were carried out. The Group met monthly and submitted a report in October 2013. The progress made against the eighty HIQA Actions included:

- The completion of a review of all outstanding concerns and allegations between 30 September 2009 and 31 December 2012 regarding foster carers in Dublin North West

- A child protection notification system (CPNS) is now in place.

- Stronger management oversight in relation to risk.

- Significant improvements in the governance and work of the Foster Care Committees.

The Deputy refers to legacy cases which I assume relates to unapproved foster carers. I am advised that foster care assessments for unapproved relative foster carers were scheduled to be completed by the end of the year with the exception of four complex cases.

The Agency has now responsibility for Foster Care Services and is continuing the work initiated by the HSE. A regional Oversight Group is in place which oversees implementation of the Action Plan and reports to the DCYA. The last report received in February 2014 indicates that an updated progress plan was submitted to HIQA in January 2014. In addition, the area manager for Dublin North City has met with HIQA on two occasions between November 2013 and January 2014. Risk and safety plans in respect of all children where concerns have been raised have been completed. Regular meetings are held between the manager with responsibility for the CPNS and monitoring officers to review all allegations and concerns and track any outstanding actions.
