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Psychological Assessments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 9 April 2014

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Questions (10)

Jonathan O'Brien


10. Deputy Jonathan O'Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of applications made by schools for psychological assessments of students in the academic year 2012-13; the number of assessments that were carried out ; the reasons for not carrying out the remainder; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16440/14]

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Oral answers (4 contributions)

The Department's National Educational Psychological Service, NEPS, in line with best international practice, works through a consultative model of service and a continuum-based assessment and intervention process. This means that each school takes responsibility for initial assessment, educational planning and remedial intervention for pupils with learning, emotional or behavioural difficulties, as appropriate, with their assigned NEPS psychologist. In the 2012-13 academic year NEPS psychologists consulted schools in respect of an estimated 25,000 pupils.

In the event of a pupil not making reasonable progress or where he or she requires further additional support, the NEPS may undertake intensive intervention, including assessment of the pupil. In the 2013-13 academic year the NEPS undertook such casework, including assessments, with 8,480 pupils in primary and post-primary schools. In addition, 2,167 assessments were provided for schools through a panel of private practitioners. The nature of the consultative model of service means that the NEPS consults schools on all pupils who are considered to require support. It does not maintain a waiting list for assessments.

Do I take it that there is no limit on the number of applications a school can make for assessments by the NEPS? I was under the impression that in any academic year schools could only avail of three in-school assessments, whereby someone from the NEPS assessed students on site over a number of days. Will the Minister confirm whether that is the case?

On the basis of what I have said, the Deputy can take it that that is the case. If, however, he wants to provide me with details of a particular instance where this may have arisen, I will be happy to obtain more comprehensive information for him.

I am happy with that reply.
