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Hospital Waiting Lists

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 9 April 2014

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Questions (166)

Catherine Murphy


166. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Health the reason some hospitals are indicating to general practitioners who have referred patients that they may seek alternative treatment elsewhere if waiting times given are not acceptable when at the same time the Health Service Executive states that it is enforcing hospital catchment areas strictly; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16860/14]

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The HSE has advised that it is in regular communication with GPs who refer patients to its hospitals for consultation and advice. To assist GPs to make the optimal referral decisions for patients, hospitals from time to time advise them on the most efficient referral route. Hospital's capacity in a region may increase due to the recruitment of new consultants or may change due to the re-organisation of clinics or services across a network of hospitals. It is critical that GPs are kept informed of such developments.

In relation to the issue of enforcement of catchment areas, the HSE has advised that it has not altered or changed its national policy on catchment areas. In particular, where hospitals traditionally accepted a referral volume to its hospitals from a geographical area, it is expected to continue this acceptance (within certain volume referral limits).

If the Deputy is aware of a particular circumstance where a significant review of catchment area referrals has taken place at a local level, the HSE, on receipt of the relevant information, has undertaken to follow up the matter directly with the Deputy.
