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Public Sector Pensions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 10 April 2014

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Questions (32)

Sean Fleming


32. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will engage with retired public servants in relation to the impact of cuts to their income from the implementation of the Haddington Road agreement; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16780/14]

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For public service pensions coming into payment from 29 February 2012, the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act 2013 which provided for pay reductions for public servants receiving annualised remuneration of €65,000 under the Haddington Road Agreement, also provided for Public Service Pension Reduction rates ranging from 2% to 8%  to be applied to annual public service pensions in payment in excess of €32,500 from 1 July 2013.  

I have individually engaged with retired public servants on the impact of the Public Service Pension Reductions on their income and also met representatives in May 2013 who were seeking to represent their views on a collective basis.   I indicated at that time that it was my intention as a matter of priority to move towards reducing the burden of public service pension reductions, with the initial focus on the people in receipt of low pensions, at the earliest date economic progress permits.

Recent correspondence from the Alliance of Retired Public Servants has confirmed the establishment of a formal alliance open to all public service pension organisations. I would intend that engagement would continue between officials of my Department and representatives of the Alliance on the specific matters that concern them.     
