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Garda Recruitment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 30 April 2014

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Questions (629)

Michael Creed


629. Deputy Michael Creed asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the level of recruitment envisaged to An Garda Síochána in 2014; the number of applicants that may be held in reserve from this process for future Garda recruitment campaigns; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19660/14]

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The Deputy will be aware that I am committed to maintaining Garda strength at 13,000 and I therefore expect that recruitment in 2014 will broadly match the number of retirements in 2014. The review of An Garda Síochána as provided under the Haddington Road Agreement will also provide a framework to ensure that the best possible policing service continues to be provided to all communities across the State.

The Public Appointments Service (PAS) is managing the recruitment process for the Garda Commissioner and I have no direct involvement in the matter. I have, however, been informed that some 25,000 applications were received for the current competition. It is understood that around 18,000 candidates completed stage 1 tests, and of these approximately 13,000 reached a satisfactory standard. These 13,000 candidates were placed in three Bands in order of merit. All candidates have been informed by PAS of the results of these tests and of their position in each Band.

The top 5,000 candidates were placed in Band 1. These were then called to the next stages of the competition which involved further online unsupervised assessment tests and then a supervised test. Those who were successful will now be called for interviews, medical examinations and security checks. All these tests are designed to identify candidates who are suitable to be a Garda trainee. Candidates who are successful through all stages will be placed on a panel for entry into training in the Garda College.
