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Wednesday, 30 Apr 2014

Written Answers Nos. 404-422

Arts in Education Charter

Questions (404, 405, 406)

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


404. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Arts; Heritage and the Gaeltacht the progress made to date under each of the eight commitments in the arts in education charter; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18860/14]

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Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


405. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Arts; Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number of meetings held by the arts in education charter high level implementation group since it was established; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18861/14]

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Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


406. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Arts; Heritage and the Gaeltacht if the arts in education charter high level implementation group has held any consultation meetings with key stakeholders as provided for in the charter since it was established; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18862/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 404 to 406, inclusive, together.

A High Level Implementation Group, chaired by Professor John Coolahan, Professor Emeritus NUI Maynooth, was established to oversee the implementation of the Arts in Education Charter. Its membership includes the Director of the Arts Council, a representative of the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick, and senior officials from my own Department and the Department of Education and Skills.

The Group has met 17 times to date and has been proactive in meeting organisations from both the arts and education sectors. In accordance with the Charter, the Group has presented its first two formal reports to Minister Quinn and myself on 3 September 2013 and 9 April 2014.

The continued process of holding meetings with stakeholders, as well as receiving submissions from key agencies is in accordance with the provisions under Dialogue and Partnership in the Charter is ongoing.

Progress is being made on a number of initiatives, including :-

- Engagement with the wider education agenda through participation in key events and conferences;

- Ongoing dialogue with the National Cultural Institutions - in particular with the Education, Community and Outreach grouping;

- Engagement on the development of collaborative partnerships between strategic groups such as the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and the Arts Council;

- Gathering of information on research that has been undertaken with a relevance to arts education and arts-in-education;

- Development of a website/portal as a key communications and information channel for both the education and arts sectors;

- Development of proposals for an Arts-Rich Schools Scheme to raise interest among school communities in cultivating the arts as a desired feature of school life, and for artists to become involved in the programme;

- Consideration of the best means of providing updated information and guidance on arts-in-education activities; and

- A joint symposium, next month, to further contribute to and enhance the engagement and working relationships between the higher education and the arts sectors.

National Gallery

Questions (407)

Seán Ó Fearghaíl


407. Deputy Seán Ó Fearghaíl asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the reason the National Gallery of Ireland removed the magnolia trees just inside their Merrion Square entrance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19026/14]

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As the Deputy will be aware, I have no responsibility for the day to day running of the National Gallery. However, I have been informed that part of the major restoration project underway at the National Gallery includes the provision of a new energy centre, which is necessary to provide modern environmental conditions and services in line with best international museum practice. I am advised that it was not possible to keep the existing magnolia trees, which are located where the energy centre will be built. I am informed that a group of new magnolia trees will be planted instead in the west corner of the lawn to complete the garden composition.

Comóradh 1916

Questions (408)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


408. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta an mbeidh an t-ionad eolais ag Teach an Phiarsaigh, Ros Muc, tógtha in am do chomóradh 100 bliain Éirí Amach 1916; an mbeidh maoiniú ar fáil nuair a thiocfar timpeall na moille reatha; agus cén fáth go bhfuil moill leis an togra seo atá geallta le blianta anuas. [19145/14]

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Tá Coiste Stiúrtha bunaithe ar a bhfuil ionadaíocht ó na páirtithe leasmhara ábhartha, lena n-áirítear mo Roinn féin, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Comhairle Contae na Gaillimhe, Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblí agus Fáilte Éireann, chun an togra seo a stiúradh le cinntiú go mbeidh sé curtha i gcrích laistigh den amscála atá beartaithe. Chuige sin tá na céimeanna cuí, a bhaineann go príomha le cúrsaí pleanála, cúrsaí suímh agus nithe gaolmhara eile, á dtógáil faoi láthair chun an togra a bhrú chun cinn. Tá €0.5m curtha ar fáil i Vóta mo Roinne i mbliana don togra seo agus táim ag súil go mbeidh maoiniú dóthanach ar fáil don togra idir na páirtithe leasmhara éagsúla. Ní miste dom a rá fosta nach bhfuil aon mhoill leis an obair seo ach go bhfuil lán comhoibriú agus lán tacaíocht ann ó na páirtithe leasmhara éagsúla le cinntiú go gcuirfear an togra i gcrích in am do chomóradh 100 bliain Éirí Amach 1916.

Irish Language

Questions (409)

Peadar Tóibín


409. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if his attention has been drawn to the fact that by lifting the European Council derogation on Irish in Europe between 183 and 188 jobs would be created for Irish citizens in translating-interpretation and related work; and if he will give an undertaking to lift the derogation on the Irish language at the earliest opportunity or at the European Council review in 2015 at the latest. [19224/14]

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A decision on whether or not to extend the derogation in regard to the use of Irish in EU institutions for a further period of time is required by December 2015 at the latest. In this context, my Department is engaged in discussions with various stakeholders, including the Department of the Taoiseach and the EU institutions, in order to formulate specific proposals on the optimal approach to the derogation. It is hoped to bring the matter forward for consideration by Government in due course.

It should also be noted that, as part of the Government's strategy to ensure that a sufficient number of qualified personnel are available to meet the needs arising from the recognition of Irish as an official and working language of the EU, my Department continues to provide substantial funding for a range of specialised third level courses and for the development of Irish language terminology for the EU terminology database, InterActive Terminology for Europe (IATE).

Question No. 410 answered with Question No. 399.

Wildlife Protection

Questions (411)

Clare Daly


411. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will conduct a survey of the badger population in view of the evidence of an alarming drop in numbers. [19345/14]

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Under the Wildlife Acts 1976-2012, badgers are afforded the status of protected wild animals. Although they are not listed under the European Union Habitats Directive, they are fauna listed in Appendix III of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (or Bern Convention). Under this Convention, each Contracting Party, including Ireland, must take appropriate and necessary legislative and administrative measures to ensure the protection of such wild fauna and to ensure that any exploitation of such wild fauna shall be regulated in order to keep the populations out of danger.

Population estimates for badgers have been generated on a number of occasions in recent years and do not indicate any significant reduction in badger numbers. The most up to date figures, which are based on a peer reviewed paper published in February this year by scientists in UCD, Teagasc and in the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, puts the national population at between 70,000 and 90,000 animals. This closely matches the previous population figure of 84,000 calculated in 2009 by researchers in University College Cork.

My Department will continue to use all available scientific peer reviewed research when implementing badger conservation policy in Ireland.

Flood Prevention Measures

Questions (412)

John Lyons


412. Deputy John Lyons asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will provide an update on the reopening of the Royal Canal towpath from Jones Road to Drumcondra Road which has been closed for nine months due to flooding damage; if the timeline for works to be completed by Waterways Ireland is still prior to summer 2014; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19489/14]

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I am advised by Waterways Ireland that the towpath of the Royal Canal is closed to pedestrians between Jones Road and Drumcondra Road at Binns' Bridge due to the collapse of a section of the supporting wall last year. I am also informed that Waterways Ireland has set aside capital funding in this year's Business Plan to enable structural repairs to be undertaken and it is expected that the remedial works will be completed and the towpath reopened in September/October 2014.

Turbary Rights

Questions (413)

Willie Penrose


413. Deputy Willie Penrose asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will ensure that where his Department enters an agreement to purchase bog holdings the owner thereof will be paid immediately in respect of the purchase and that it is not delayed for two years or more; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19547/14]

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Under the voluntary bog purchase scheme administered by my Department individuals with a legal interest in raised bog special areas of conservation or natural heritage areas could apply to sell their interest in these sites at set rates. In May 2010, the then Minister announced the closure of the voluntary bog purchase scheme to new applicants.

The purchase of land or a turbary right under the scheme cannot proceed until the Chief State Solicitor’s Office is satisfied that all is in order for the sale to close and until contracts for sale have been executed by the vendor and I, as Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. There is often a significant amount of work to be undertaken and legal matters to be investigated prior to the execution of contracts for sale.

Wildlife Protection

Questions (414)

Michael Healy-Rae


414. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht his views on seal culls as the amount of fish stock that is being destroyed every day by the over population of seals is outrageous. [19668/14]

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There are two species of seal in Irish waters - the Harbour or Common Seal and the more numerous Grey Seal. Both are protected under the EU Habitats Directive. Ireland is obliged to monitor their populations and report on their status every six years. The most recent report submitted to the European Commission in June 2013 is available on the website Management of seal populations will require careful consideration of recently published studies from Bord Iascaigh Mhara and the Marine Institute concerning seal depredation (fish eaten by seals during fisheries operations) and bycatch of seals in set nets.

I understand further work is underway to enhance our understanding of this complex area. The assessment of risk from inshore sea fisheries in relation to the Natura 2000 network by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the Marine Institute later in 2014 will also need to carefully consider seal-fisheries interactions. All these studies will continue to inform policy in relation to seal protection.

While seals are protected under the Wildlife Acts, licences may be sought under section 42 of the Wildlife Act to scare or kill seals where damage is being caused.

National Monuments

Questions (415)

Dominic Hannigan


415. Deputy Dominic Hannigan asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the position regarding the restoration work for Dunsany Cross in Dunsany, County Meath; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19690/14]

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As the Deputy will be aware, Dunsany Cross has been severely damaged to an extent that has required it to be removed from its site for safekeeping. My Department is assessing the options for the repair and future presentation of the Cross and is canvassing expert opinion to identify potential solutions for its long-term care and conservation. In the meantime, the Cross remains in secure storage in Dunsany Castle and I wish to put on record my appreciation of the continued co-operation and assistance of Lady Dunsany and her staff in accommodating the Cross during this period.

Gorse Burning

Questions (416)

Brendan Griffin


416. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the position regarding his plans to review the 1 March deadline for gorse burning; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19695/14]

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The Wildlife Acts 1976 to 2012 prohibit the cutting, grubbing, burning or destruction of vegetation, with certain strict exemptions, from 1 March to 31 August during the nesting and breeding season for birds and wildlife. Vegetation such as hedgerows and scrub is important as wildlife habitat and needs to be managed in the interests of both farming and biodiversity.

I have initiated a review of the current legislation to ensure that it remains both effective and balanced. As part of that review, the potential for setting the relevant dates by statutory instrument, rather than in primary legislation, as is the position currently, will be examined.

Soláthar Aersheirbhísí

Questions (417)

Michael P. Kitt


417. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Michael P. Kitt den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cén dul chun cinn atá déanta maidir leis an aersheirbhís go dtí Oileáin Árann; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [19719/14]

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Glacaim leis go bhfuil an Teachta ag déanamh tagairt do staid reatha an chonartha chun seirbhís aeir a chur ar fáil d’Oileáin Árann faoi Oibleagáid Seirbhíse Poiblí. Is féidir liom a dheimhniú go bhfuil an conradh reatha i bhfeidhm go dtí an 30 Meán Fómhair 2014. Tá rogha síneadh bliana a chur leis ar na coinníollacha céanna is a bhaineann leis an gconradh atá ann faoi láthair.

Mar is eol don Teachta, tá athbhreithniú á dhéanamh ag mo Roinn ar riachtanas na seirbhíse aeir i gcomhréir le rialacha an Aontais Eorpaigh. Ina thaobh sin de, dírím aird an Teachta ar fhreagraí a thug mé ar Cheisteanna faoin ábhar seo cheana, ar a n-áirím Ceist Uimh 38 den 6 Márta 2014.

Foilseacháin Ghaeilge

Questions (418)

Michael P. Kitt


418. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Michael P. Kitt den Aire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta cad iad na hirisí Gaeilge agus na nuachtáin Ghaeilge atá á bhfoilsiú faoi láthair, cén pleananna atá aige d’fhorbairt na n-irisí agus na nuachtán Gaeilge; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [19720/14]

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Tuigtear dom ó Fhoras na Gaeilge go bhfuil maoiniú á chur ar fáil aige i láthair na huaire do na foilseacháin Ghaeilge seo a leanas a fhoilsítear i bhfoirm chlóite nó ar líne: An Sagart, An Timire, An tUltach,, Comhar, Feasta, Gaelport, NÓSmag agus SAOL. Cé go dtiocfaidh deireadh leis an maoiniú seo i mbliana, tuigtear dom go bhfuil pleananna ag Foras na Gaeilge chun an iriseoireacht Ghaeilge a chothú tuilleadh agus pobal léitheoireachta na Gaeilge a spreagadh i rith an ama. Sa chomhthéacs seo, tá cinneadh tógtha ag Foras na Gaeilge maoiniú a thabhairt do nuachtán seachtainiúil ar líne a bheidh á fhoilsiú ag faoi chonradh ceithre bliana ó Mheán Fómhair 2014. Ina theannta sin, tá sé i gceist ag Foras na Gaeilge scéim le haghaidh iris stíl mhaireachtála ar líne a fhógairt ag deireadh mhí na Bealtaine agus scéim le haghaidh foilseachán liteartha/cúrsaí reatha a fhógairt san fhómhar.

Angling Charges

Questions (419, 421)

Michael Healy-Rae


419. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources if it is proposed that anglers will be charged for their hobby as a result of the new draft IFI proposals; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19127/14]

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Dan Neville


421. Deputy Dan Neville asked the Minister for Communications; Energy and Natural Resources his views on correspondence (details supplied) regarding a compulsory angler registration charge; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19441/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 419 and 421 together.

A compulsory charge for anglers is not being introduced in the context of the proposed new inland fisheries legislation. I have set this position out clearly on a number of occasions, but would, in particular, refer the Deputies to the reply to Question No. 628 on 25 March which addresses the issues they have raised in considerable detail.

Warmer Homes Scheme Eligibility

Questions (420)

Michael McGrath


420. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if there is a scheme in place designed to support those who do not qualify for the warmer homes scheme but who cannot come up with the money up front in order to avail of the better energy homes grants; if there is a scheme to assist those persons with a payment plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19230/14]

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The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) administers the Better Energy Homes Scheme under the Better Energy Programme. Better Energy Homes provides a financial incentive to private homeowners who wish to improve the energy performance of their homes. Fixed grants are provided towards the cost of a range of measures including attic insulation, wall insulation, heating systems upgrades, solar thermal panels and accompanying BER (Building Energy Rating).

For those householders not in a position to afford the upfront costs associated with the Better Energy Homes scheme, the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan includes a commitment to roll out a Better Energy Financing (BEF) scheme for domestic buildings. The BEF model proposes to assist householders finance energy efficiency measures through the provision of affordable finance, undertaken as part of a robust and quality assured process that will protect consumers and ensure high-quality workmanship.

My Department established a project team to identify the components of a BEF Scheme under the direction of a Project Board representing key state and industry stakeholders. The work of the project team has now concluded and the project team's proposals for the progression of a BEF Scheme are currently being considered by my officials.

Question No. 421 answered with Question No. 419.

Fishing Licences

Questions (422)

Brendan Griffin


422. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he will consider reinstating all salmon draft net fishing licences for previous licence holders in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18617/14]

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I understand the Deputy is seeking consideration of the possibility of reinstating licences for former salmon fishermen who availed of the Salmon Hardship Scheme which was funded by the State to facilitate a cessation of fishing.

The Hardship Scheme was introduced following a Government decision to cease the commercial salmon mixed stock fishery in the sea for conservation reasons. Under this scheme, which was administered by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), €25m was targeted at commercial salmon fishermen who were active in the fishery at the time and funding was provided to fishermen for them to leave the fishery and diversify into new activity. It closed for applications on 31st December 2007 and was wound up in 2008 with all funds expended.

While the scheme was administered by BIM, I understsand that payments to individuals were based on verifiable track record and recorded catches in the five years prior to its introduction. The average payment under the scheme was almost €23,000 and the highest payment was over €195,000.

Conditions of the scheme included that nets had to be verifiably decommissioned to the satisfaction of the then local Regional Fisheries Board and those fishermen who availed of the Hardship Scheme would not be entitled to a licence in the future. Given the conditions of the Scheme it is not possible to reinstate licences for fishermen who availed of it.
