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Defence Forces Properties

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 7 May 2014

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Questions (11)

Clare Daly


11. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Defence if he will expand on media reports in County Kildare that plans are at an advanced stage to develop voluntary housing for ex-servicemen and their families who are currently classified as over-holders by his Department. [20059/14]

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I am not aware of the media Reports to which the Deputy refers. However, I can state that there are no plans to develop voluntary housing schemes for overholders in the Curragh. The position regarding overholders has been outlined on numerous occasions. The Department of Defence does not have a role in the provision of housing accommodation for those who are not members of the Defence Forces. As I have said previously, I cannot support the illegal occupation of military property by those who have no entitlement in this regard and who may well have the means to acquire housing for themselves. In accordance with normal procedures my Department will continue to seek vacant possession of married quarters which are being overheld until the overholding issue is resolved.

I recognise that there are a very small number of people currently in possession of houses in the Camp who, due to exceptional circumstances, deserve particular consideration when their cases are being processed. Accordingly I have asked that the remaining overholding cases at the Camp be examined with a view to identifying the small sub-set of cases which may be vulnerable from an accommodations perspective. This case review is progressing and officials in my Department will engage with this small number of individuals in the coming weeks. In light of and subject to their particular circumstances, my Department would be prepared to provide whatever assistance and support it can to the individuals concerned. This engagement will, I hope, give us more of an insight into their particular needs and thereby help us progress to a solution. Proceedings seeking vacant possession of all other properties being overheld will proceed as announced.

In advance of the above, my Department has recently undertaken a review of vacant former married quarter properties within the Curragh Camp with a view to their potential for future use by the military. While this review is not fully concluded, the indications are that it would not offer potential for suitable alternative accommodation for the small number of particularly vulnerable overholders.
