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Water Services Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 May 2014

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Questions (468)

Clare Daly


468. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the fact that his Department has allocated a sum of €500,000 regeneration funding to the local authority in Sligo for the enhancement of O’Connell Street; if it has been further drawn to his attention that the local authority expected Irish Water to undertake the water conservation stage 3 phase 1 works in O’Connell Street in conjunction with said enhancement works; if it has been drawn to his attention that on 2 May 2014 Irish Water advised the local authority that Irish Water would not be undertaking the works in the short to medium term; if it has been further drawn to his attention that Sligo local authority intends to proceed with the enhancement works at the end of August 2014, the cost of which is estimated at €800,000; if it has been drawn to his attention Irish Water will be required to undo and reinstate the enhancement works at a significant cost when it undertakes the water conservation stage 3 phase 1 works in O’Connell Street; if he considers this good value for money; if his Department can intervene and encourage Irish Water to undertake the works in conjunction with the local authority this year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21247/14]

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In 2011 my Department agreed to contribute up to €500,000 towards the cost of a suite of enhancement works to facilitate the future pedestrianisation of O’Connell Street, Sligo. My Department does not have details at this time with regard to level of overlap, if any, between the enhancement works and water conservation works contracts. However, these are matters which will be further considered in the context of the approval process for the funding of the enhancement works.

The Sligo Water Conservation Stage 3 Works – Watermain Rehabilitation Phase 1 was included in my Department’s Water Services Investment Programme 2010 – 2013 at an estimated cost of €4.7 million. Under the project, in February 2012, I approved the provision of funding to allow Sligo County Council complete the tender formalities for a Watermain Rehabilitation Contract and the Pearse Road Storm Water Sewer Advance Works Contract at a cost of over €3.7 million. This approval enabled the Council to undertake necessary Water Conservation Works in conjunction with any street enhancement works, as appropriate, on O’Connell Street.

Since 1 January 2014, Irish Water is responsible for the delivery of water services capital infrastructure. The further progression of all water services capital projects, including the Sligo Water Conservation Stage 3 Works, is now a matter for Irish Water.

Irish Water has confirmed to my Department that it has established a dedicated team to deal with representations and queries from public representatives. The team can be contacted via an email to or by telephone on 1890 278 278.
