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Medical Card Reviews

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 May 2014

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Questions (586)

Seán Kenny


586. Deputy Seán Kenny asked the Minister for Health the reason medical cards held by those who qualify for them as an entitlement due to the fact that they paid the qualifying national health insurance in the UK are now being reviewed and those holding them are being asked to submit income details and details of their savings; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20977/14]

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The Health Service Executive operates under the legislative framework of the Health Act of 1970, as subsequently amended. In the interest of probity, the HSE is obliged to ensure that a person’s eligibility is correctly recorded in line with the eligibility legislation and the national guidelines. The HSE aims to ensure that every person who is entitled to a medical card or a GP visit card is given the opportunity to avail of his or her entitlement. All medical card and GP visit card holders are subject to a periodic review of eligibility to determine continuing eligibility. As part of the review process, where a person who holds a medical card under the EU Regulations, there is only a requirement to demonstrate to the HSE that they continue to qualify under the EU Regulations. Proof of receipt of a qualifying payment from the UK authorities should be provided to the HSE and there is no requirement to submit income details and details of savings.
