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National Transport Authority

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 15 May 2014

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Questions (48)

Maureen O'Sullivan


48. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he has made available a copy of his decision or order giving effect to the National Transport Authority Integrated Implementation Plan 2013-2018; and if not, the reasons it is not available to members of the public and public representatives; the funding for the plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21291/14]

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In accordance with section 13 of the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008, I approved the draft Integrated Implementation Plan for the period 2013 to 2018. The Plan was also the subject of a public consultation conducted by the National Transport Authority in August/September 2013.  The plan as approved was published on 3rd April 2014 and a copy is available on the National Transport Authority's website.  I have also placed a copy before each House of the Oireachtas. The Plan takes account of the funding envelope identified in the Government's "Infrastructure and Capital Investment 2012-2016: Medium Term Exchequer Framework". In relation to the years 2017 and 2018, the Plan assumes a similar level of capital funding as for 2016.

Funding for delivery of public transport capital projects will be examined as part of the recently announced review of capital expenditure to take account of priorities to 2020.  My Department's key priority to 2020 will be, as under the current plan, to protect investment made to date and to maintain safety standards. If additional funds are available, which is not certain, there will be many competing transport projects from all modes in all regions. Only projects for which there is a clear need, which are affordable, have a sound business case and add value to  existing infrastructure will be prioritised  for funding to 2020.

Question No. 49 answered with Question No. 22.