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Road Projects Status

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 15 May 2014

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Questions (9)

Brendan Griffin


9. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will prioritise the construction of the new N22 Cork Kerry road via Ballyvourney and Macroom; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21526/14]

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In my earlier reply to a similar question in relation to the N59, I explained that the capital funding available for roads at present means that we have to prioritise the protection of the existing investment in road infrastructure as against major new expenditure on road building.  

I pointed out that my general approach is to keep under review projects at various stages of planning and design which have been evaluated and appraised in order to have a pipeline of suitable "shovel ready" projects ready to avail of any funding opportunities that may arise. The N22 Ballyvourney - Macroom project referred to is among these.

Work has started on the preparation of the next capital programme.  As the Deputy will appreciate, I will have to prioritise the maintenance and upkeep of existing infrastructure and the scope for progressing new projects under this programme will very much depend on the level of funding available.
