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Higher Education Institutions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 May 2014

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Questions (271)

Clare Daly


271. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Education and Skills the measures he will take to secure academic research and particularly oral histories in view of Boston College's failure to protect its work; and if he has any proposals to make in terms of offering to protect these archives. [22916/14]

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The position is that the higher education institutions are autonomous bodies and their day to day operations are matters for the governing bodies of each institution. However, I understand that universities and institutes of technology have procedures in place to ensure that research undertaken, including the treatment of confidential information, is in keeping with accepted good practice. Indeed, many have dedicated ethics committees to oversee issues such as this. Furthermore, a policy statement on ensuring research integrity in Ireland will shortly be launched and articulates the commitment of higher education institutions to the highest standards of integrity in carrying out their research. This shared statement of commitment is intended to ensure full confidence in the Irish research system for participants, other stakeholders and the international research community.

Question No. 272 answered with Question No. 241.
Question No. 273 answered with Question No. 260.