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Health Screening Programmes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 May 2014

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Questions (769)

Billy Kelleher


769. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to a situation (details supplied) where some babies are not receiving their doctor developmental check due to cutbacks; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22506/14]

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Senior management in the HSE are aware of this issue and have sought a detailed action plan from the local management and are then monitoring this on a monthly basis.

A series of measures have already been undertaken over the last 2 years to bring Galway/Roscommon PCCC from a very low base of 14% up to the 82.4% in Roscommon and 90% in Galway for March 2014. The following are the additionally recently agreed actions to bring the levels up to the 95% KPI.

Actions to Achieve Child Developmental KPIs in Galway & Roscommon:

- Medical Capacity to meet the Child Developmental 9 month reviews has been confirmed;

- An agreed procedure for prompt informing of PHN where children transfer in from another PHN area so they can be called within the stipulated timeframe to a child developmental clinic has been put in place;

- A manual count babies records seen between end of the previous month and the date they turn 10 months is occurring pending implementation of software solution to compensate for an identified I.T. problem which has led to under recording of attendance;

- The process for calling children by PHNs is being realigned to ensure children of 7-9 months are called as a priority;

- Children in Galway/Roscommon are to be invited from 7 months to attend screening checks by PHNs to ensure adequate time for recall within the agreed schedule allowing for the possibility of 2 DNAs as per policy.
