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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Written Answers Nos. 981-997

Rail Network

Questions (981)

Maureen O'Sullivan


981. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide an update on the plans in respect of the DART interconnector; if funding has been secured; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22799/14]

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I have instructed the National Transport Authority (NTA) to update the existing 2010 business case for DART Underground. I made this request as a result of the recent High Court Judgement on the DART Underground Railway Order which ruled that the period for serving Notices to Treat for the purpose of compulsory purchase of property under the Order should be 18 months rather than the 7 years set out in the Railway Order.  This means that a decision on whether to proceed with DART Underground under the current Railway Order must be made by September 2015. The NTA will ensure that the new business case is based on the latest data on population, transport demand, construction costs etc and meets all the requirements of the revised public sector code for capital projects which was published last year. I have also asked the NTA to review funding options. This will include all possible sources of funds, both public and private, and will cover loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB) as well as EU grant possibilities.

As is the case with any major expenditure, the opportunity cost must  also be considered. Any loan, be it from the EIB or from domestic or international financial institutions must be repaid by the Exchequer with interest and it is added to government debt. Similarly private funding options in the form of a traditional Public Private Partnership impose significant long-term liabilities on the Exchequer or on users.

I expect to have a detailed report from the NTA later this year and will then consider the options for the project having regard to the findings of the business case review including the cost and funding options.   The outcome of the Governments capital expenditure review which has commenced, will also be relevant to any consideration of the affordability of this project in the short to medium term.

Public Transport

Questions (982)

Terence Flanagan


982. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he plans to meet senior management from Irish Rail to discuss the upgrade of rolling stock; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22814/14]

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As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport. Issues relating to the upgrade of rolling stock are in the first instance commercial matters for the Board and Management of Iarnród Éireann. I have received no request from Iarnród Éireann for capital funding for such an upgrade and there are no funds available for it in the capital plan to 2016.

Question No. 983 answered with Question No. 957.

Driver Licence Applications

Questions (984)

Pearse Doherty


984. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the reason for the delay in processing a driving licence in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22964/14]

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The operation of the National Driver Licensing Service is the statutory responsibility of the Road Safety Authority, and I have no role in individual cases.  I have therefore referred the question to the Authority for direct reply.  I would ask the Deputy to contact my office if a response has not been received within ten days.

Driver Licences

Questions (985)

Michael P. Kitt


985. Deputy Michael P. Kitt asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his plans to allow a postal service for learner driver permits and driving licences for emigrants; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23000/14]

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The National Driver Licensing Service (NDLS) is the statutory responsibility of the Road Safety Authority (RSA), and I do not have a role in operational matters such as those referred to by the Deputy. In the specific case of emigrants, it is important to remember that EU law requires that people who apply for a driving licence in a Member State must be normally resident in that country.  The term ‘normally resident’ is generally considered as the place where a person lives for at least 185 days in each calendar year, because of personal and work ties. Where a person is living abroad and working on a fixed term contract or attending a college or university, they can be thought of as resident in Ireland providing they have personal ties here, even though they may spend much less than half of a given year in the country.

The RSA has developed procedures to allow people who are abroad on such a basis but normally resident in Ireland to apply for renewal of their driving licence without having to return to appear in person at an NDLS centre.  This includes providing two passport-size photographs signed on the back. Full details of this arrangement can be obtained from the RSA. People who are no longer normally resident in Ireland cannot renew a driving licence here. They should do that in their country of residence.

Sports Capital Programme Applications

Questions (986)

Michael Healy-Rae


986. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the position regarding a sports capital grant in respect of a club (details supplied) in County Kerry. [23071/14]

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I can confirm that an application has been submitted by this club under the 2014 Sports Capital Programme and the Deputy's support is noted. I hope to announce allocations later this year

Irish Airlines Superannuation Scheme

Questions (987)

Alan Farrell


987. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide an update on the workings of the expert group established to review the Irish airlines superannuation scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23091/14]

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The Expert Panel was established following consultation between my Department, the Department of Jobs Enterprise and Innovation, IBEC and ICTU.  In an effort to broker a compromise the Panel was asked to carry out an investigation of how the industrial relations issues relating to the scheme might be resolved. It has given an update to the Departments on its progress and is continuing to work intensively on the matter and it is due to report again shortly. I have emphasised the need for the parties to put all their efforts into engaging with the Expert Panel.  It is important that the Panel's work be allowed to continue without interference.

Taxi Regulations

Questions (988)

Thomas Pringle


988. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the reason vehicles over 15 years old cannot be used as taxis while this rule does not apply to buses or other public services vehicles; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23136/14]

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The National Transport Authority (NTA) has responsibility for the regulation of the taxi industry, including vehicle standards, under the provisions of the Taxi Regulation Act, 2013. I have referred your question to the NTA for direct reply. If you do not receive a reply within ten working days please notify my private office.

Farm Safety

Questions (989)

Billy Timmins


989. Deputy Billy Timmins asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will reconsider the necessity for vintage tractors to have roll bars; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23271/14]

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All land tractors, irrespective of age, are legally required to have appropriate ROPS, sometimes referred to as anti-roll bars, safety frames or safety cabs fitted. Since the 1st September 1977, under Statutory Instrument No. 138 of 1969 - Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 1969, land tractors used in a public place are required to be fitted with a safety frame, or a safety cab designed to protect the driver in the event that a tractor might overturn. There are no exemptions for older tractors or for those engaged in non-agricultural use such as in vintage runs. Section 20 of the Rules of the Road also makes reference to this requirement. I have received no proposal to change these regulations.

Maritime Safety

Questions (990)

Seán Kyne


990. Deputy Seán Kyne asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will report on the progress of developing and implementing a safety at sea strategy which is particularly relevant in summer months when increased numbers of people use waterways and engage in marine-based activities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23355/14]

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My Department's Irish Maritime Administration is preparing a new Maritime Safety Strategy which will seek to reduce the number of fatalities and incidents arising in the recreational craft, fishing, passenger and cargo vessel sectors.  The Strategy will focus primarily on creating a culture of safety, and will ensure that actions are targeted at the key causes of fatalities in the maritime sector. A public Consultation Document on the Maritime Safety Strategy will be published shortly, on which submissions will be invited during the Summer months, and it is envisaged that the new Strategy will be finalised later this year. In tandem with the development of the new Strategy, my Department continues to work with a range of organisations to address maritime safety issues as part of its regular activities. 

School Completion Programme

Questions (991, 992)

Robert Troy


991. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if he will not make further cuts to the school completion programme funding this year, 2014-2015; if he will restore funding to 2008 levels over an agreed timeframe; and if he will declare all DEIS initiatives exempts from cuts to funding. [22810/14]

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Michael McGrath


992. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the amount of funding that was given to qualifying schools for the DEIS school completion programme in each of the school years 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014; the funding that will be provided in the 2014-2015 school year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22935/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 991 and 992 together.

The School Completion Programme (SCP) aims to retain young people in the formal education system to completion of senior cycle and to generally improve the school attendance, participation and retention of its target cohort. The SCP is a targeted intervention aimed at those school communities identified through the Department of Education and Skills’ DEIS Action Plan for Educational Inclusion. It involves 124 locally managed projects and related initiatives operating across 470 primary and 224 post-primary schools to provide targeted supports to approximately 36,000 children and young people. The programme's project model approach gives local communities the autonomy to devise innovative approaches to address the needs of young people most at risk of early school leaving.

As with all major spending programmes, the School Completion Programme budget was subject to examination under the terms of the 2011 Comprehensive Review of Expenditure (CRE). This process identified a requirement for savings of 6.5% per annum across the programme over the period 2012 to 2014. Accordingly the funding available to the programme for the years in question is as follows:


Annual Budget









Since its establishment the Child and Family Agency has operational responsibility for the School Completion Programme, including the allocation of funds to projects within the programme. I am advised that proposals have yet to be formulated by the Agency in relation to the funding for SCP projects in the coming 2014/2015 academic year. As an initial step the Agency has invited all SCP Projects to commence planning for the next cycle of the programme within the available funding parameters. The Agency will continue to work closely with Local Management Committees, schools and local SCP co-ordinators to assist projects through this process.

The potential for any changes in the funding allocated to this programme in future years is a matter to be considered in the estimates and budgetary process having regard to the resources available to Government. The broader question of other initiatives under the DEIS school support programme is a matter for my colleague, the Minister for Education and Skills, given that lead responsibility for DEIS policy resides with his Department.

Child Care Services Funding

Questions (993, 998, 999, 1008)

Finian McGrath


993. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs his views on correspondence (details supplied) regarding a child care service in Dublin 17. [22282/14]

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Clare Daly


998. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if Darndale Belcamp Integrated Childcare Service Limited will remain open, particularly as it is a critical service for families in the area and its closure would result in the loss of 55 jobs and a number of community employment, TÚS and training positions. [22508/14]

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Lucinda Creighton


999. Deputy Lucinda Creighton asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the causes of Darndale Belcamp Integrated Childcare Service's funding crisis, which could lead to its closure; if he will confirm the reasons cuts were imposed to the levels highlighted by the service; if he will confirm the salaries of the senior management at the service; the action that can be taken to try and keep the service open; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22516/14]

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Thomas P. Broughan


1008. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if the funding difficulties at a community crèche (details supplied) in Dublin 17 have now been resolved; if the organisation has been assisted to address the large deficit in funding for 2014 in order that the crèche may continue to operate and provide a vital service to 260 children on a daily basis. [22909/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 993, 998, 999 and 1008 together.

I am happy to provide an update for the House on the position in relation to Darndale Belcamp Integrated Childcare Service Ltd. The Centre has been experiencing widely reported cash flow difficulties over recent weeks. The Centre incurred expenditure of €2.022m in 2013 and received funding amounting to €1.96m, resulting in a deficit of €62,000. Projections by the Centre show that income of approximately €1.8m is anticipated during 2014. With such a level of financial support available it should be possible to work constructively to continue services and avoid the closure scenario that has been outlined.

Following my reply to previous questions in the House, I requested that officials from my Department meet with senior representatives from the Child and Family Agency, Pobal (which administers a number of childcare schemes on behalf of my Department) and Dublin City Child Care Committee to discuss the position. Following on from this, a meeting was arranged with the Centre which took place on 20th May. The meeting was attended by senior representatives from the Child and Family Agency, Pobal, Dublin City Childcare Committee and representatives from the board and management of Darndale Belcamp Childcare Services Ltd. The objective of this meeting was to ensure that all possible solutions to the present difficulties were explored. Arising from this meeting, a detailed examination of the Centre's costs, the funding available and the range and level of services provided is being undertaken. Representatives from Pobal and Dublin City Child Care Committee are meeting this week with representatives from the board and management of Darndale Belcamp Childcare Services to further this process.

In parallel, a wider examination will be undertaken of the level and range of early years services supported by the State in the Darndale/Belcamp/Moatview area generally. The Child and Family Agency, Pobal, Dublin City and Fingal Child Care Committees will work jointly in this regard as a priority. I indicated in my previous response to the House that I would expect that the Agency would be open to providing some further cash prepayments due to the Centre, if this is of assistance. I am pleased to confirm that the Agency has agreed to make additional prepayments to the end of August. This will be of assistance to the Centre and should allow the necessary time and space to examine the issues involved in greater detail. I want to acknowledge the support of the Agency and the commitment by the various parties to the process which I have outlined.

With regard to the level of salary paid to senior management at the Centre, I am advised by the Child and Family Agency that the Centre employs one manager and one deputy manager whose salaries are €62,816 and €56,331 per annum respectively.

Child Care Services Funding

Questions (994)

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin


994. Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordáin asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if his attention has been drawn to that due to a cut in funding to an aftercare service for children with special needs in a club (details supplied) the service was forced to close as a result; if the possibility of continuing the service has been considered by his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22348/14]

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Funding for the service described by the Deputy is a matter for the Department of Health. I will arrange for officials from my Department to notify the Deputy's concerns to my colleague, the Minister for Health.

Child Care Services Funding

Questions (995, 996, 997)

Michael McCarthy


995. Deputy Michael McCarthy asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the concern amongst practitioners in early years and school age care and education in the context of access to a living wage; that current capitation levels do not allow staff to be paid for all that is required for providing quality early years experiences for children in their care; if his attention has been drawn to difficulties faced by child care providers under the early childhood care and education scheme in paying for staff in view of the fact that the scheme does not cover staff costs for the full calendar year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22358/14]

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Michael McCarthy


996. Deputy Michael McCarthy asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs his views on the varying cost of child care in view of the fact that the current capitation is insufficient to meet the costs of delivering quality early years care and education in many parts of the country; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22360/14]

View answer

Michael McCarthy


997. Deputy Michael McCarthy asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs his plans to increase funding for continuous professional development, CPD, of child care providers in view of the fact that current funding is insufficient to pay for the mandatory CPD that is required and neither is it sufficient to pay for staff to engage with quality training, including Aistear and Síolta; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22361/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 995 to 997, inclusive, together.

The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme provides for one free preschool year for all eligible children in the year before commencing primary school. The programme is normally provided for 3 hours per day, 5 days per week, over 38 weeks. The Government has made a very significant commitment in maintaining the preschool year on a universal and free basis despite the current budgetary situation.

The ECCE programme is funded by my Department through the provision of capitation grants paid directly to participating services. This capitation payment is for the provision of services, including preparatory and supportive work such as engagement with parents, training and organisation. No other form of funding is available under the scheme, the key objective of which is to benefit children through providing access to preschool education. The standard capitation fee paid to participating services is €62.50 per week per eligible child. A higher capitation fee of €73 per week per eligible child is available to preschool services with more highly qualified staff. It is a fundamental principle of the programme that the preschool provision is available to parents free of charge. Preschool services participating in the programme can charge parents for additional services provided these are clearly optional to parents and appropriate programme based activities continue to be provided to children not availing of such services during the preschool year hours.

There are in the region of 4,300 preschool services participating in the programme with new services applying to enter the programme each year. The funding provided under the programme is a guaranteed source of income, paid in advance, and is an important support to services at this time. Services applying to enter the programme should be satisfied that they can meet the full cost of providing the preschool year from the capitation provided.

The ECCE programme represents an investment of almost €170 million annually in preschool services and in light of the current economic situation there are no proposals to increase this provision. My Department provides annual funding to seven voluntary childcare organisations in the childcare sector, who provide support to childcare services throughout the country. This funding, which will amount to over €2.6 million in 2014, enables the voluntary organisations to provide a range of support services to their members, including on-going training supports.

The Deputy may be aware that as part of the childcare quality agenda aimed at improving the quality of childcare services, new qualification requirements for childcare staff working directly with children were announced last year. A minimum qualification of Level 5 (or equivalent) on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) will be required for all staff working with children in preschool services and the minimum qualification for all preschool leaders delivering the free preschool year under the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme will be increased from Level 5 to Level 6 (or equivalent) on the NFQ. The new qualification requirements will apply to all new services from September 2014, and to all existing services from September 2015.

To support staff who are seeking to meet the new qualifications requirement, funding of €3 million is being made available over the two years 2014/2015 under the new Learner Fund which was launched in March this year. The Fund is being administered by Pobal, with the assistance of local City and County Childcare Committees (CCCs). Issues relating to workforce development, curricular support and capitation, will be considered as part of Ireland's first-ever Early Years strategy, work on which is at an advanced stage.
