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Autism Support Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 May 2014

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Questions (22)

Maureen O'Sullivan


22. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 243 of 4 February 2014, his views on the way his Department's early intervention preschools, set up to support children with a diagnosis of autism, are functioning; if there has been engagement with the primary school teachers and special needs assistants working in these preschool classes as to their capacity, ability, skills and training to work with children with autism and children with challenging behaviour; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23291/14]

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I note that the Deputy has clarified that she is referring to private pre-schools which are attended by children using their home tuition grant. Some parents of young children with autism, who are eligible for home tuition, requested that my Department accommodate the tuition being provided in a group setting offered by private providers. My Department has facilitated direct payment arrangements with a small number of private pre-school providers, subject to agreed terms and conditions. My Department's Inspectorate has engaged with one of the private pre-school providers and planning for future engagement with the preschools, to include the primary teachers employed by them, will be undertaken by officials of my Department. Private providers are required to comply with the terms of the Home Tuition scheme insofar as it requires that the tuition must be provided by a qualified teacher.

Given that the private providers have been selected by parents, it is open to any parent to revert to Home Tuition in the event that they are in any way dissatisfied with the service provided.
