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Education and Training Boards

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 11 June 2014

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Questions (48)

Jonathan O'Brien


48. Deputy Jonathan O'Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills the reason a club (details supplied) in Dublin 12 has been informed that it may not allow anyone who holds a leaving certificate applied to do a local training initiative, LTI; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that this is not the case in other parts of Dublin or the State; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24834/14]

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This is an operational matter for the City of Dublin Education Training Board (CDETB).

I am informed by the CDETB that St John Bosco Youth Centre currently receive funding for two Local Training Initiative (LTI) programmes operating out of the premises on Davitt road. These programmes have been funded and supported by the Training Centre in Ballyfermot since Jan 2013. These programmes are both at FETAC level 4 and are suitable for adult and young people who have not completed second level education.

- Horizon Programme. This is a 30 week programme targeting learners in the 18-35 brackets with no formal or incomplete secondary education and within the Dublin 12 area.

- LEAP programme. This is a 30 week programme targeting learners in the general 16-35 brackets but specifically 18-23 with no formal or incomplete secondary education and primarily within the Dublin 12 area.

The recruitment of learners is the responsibility of the Centre but the proposed learners must meet the eligibility criteria established for the LTIs. CDETB have worked with St John Bosco management on the recruitment of learners for both programmes since April 2014. Where learners are found to be ineligible for either course CDETB Training Centre in Ballyfermot invite them to meet with a guidance/recruitment officer to facilitate the learner in their search for an appropriate training course.
