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Departmental Staff Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 12 June 2014

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Questions (116)

Michael McGrath


116. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will provide a detailed list, in tabular form, of all staff vacancies within her Department and in each agency under her Department's remit at principal officer grade or above, including the title of the vacant post and the functional area to which it belongs; the length of time the post has been vacant; the salary attached to the post in question; in respect of agencies where Civil Service grades do not apply, if she will include vacancies where the post attracts a salary equivalent to or greater than principal officer grade; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [25128/14]

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The Agencies that operate under the aegis of my Department are the Pensions Authority and the Citizens Information Board. The Office of the Pensions Ombudsman also falls under the remit of my Department. There are no vacancies at Principal Officer level and above in any of these organisations.

The Department has to operate within an Employment Control Framework (ECF) ceiling determined by the Department of Public Expenditure. On an ongoing basis we are filling vacancies that arise within this overall figure.

In relation to vacancies at the grades specified by the Deputy, vacancies as detailed in the table are currently in the process of being filled.

Vacancies at Principal Officer and above in the Department of Social Protection


Functional area

Post vacant from

Salary Scale

Non PPC Scale




Assistant Secretary

Human Resources, Facilities Management, EU International.

May 2014.








Salary Scale

PPC Scale











Medical Assessors

Medical assessment of those claiming a disability related payment.


Salary Scale

PPC Scale







€71,554, €74,550

€77,376, €80,242

€82,661 (Max),

€85,169 (LSI 1),

€87,675 (LSI 2).

Chief Medical Adviser (CMA)

Responsible for the management of the Department’s Medical Review and Assessment Service which comprise a multi-disciplinary team of 26 Medical Assessors.

The position of CMA was advertised recently but the Department was unsuccessful in making an appointment.  Pending the recruitment of a new CMA this post is being managed pro tem by the former Chief Medical Adviser.

Salary Scale

Non PPC Scale














Salary Scale

PPC Scale











PPC scales apply in the case of a person recruited post April 1995 who in addition to paying full rate of PRSI also makes a personal pension contribution as part of their superannuation arrangements.

A competition is in progress to fill the Assistant Secretary vacancy.
