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Literacy and Numeracy Levels

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 June 2014

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Questions (221)

Jonathan O'Brien


221. Deputy Jonathan O'Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills the percentage of primary school children performing at level 3 or higher in the national assessment of mathematics and English reading in second class and sixth class during each of the past seven years. [25315/14]

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The 2009 National Assessments of Mathematics and English Reading, which are the most recent in this series of national assessments, provide baseline data for future national assessments in Mathematics and English reading at second and sixth class but are not directly comparable with previous assessments. In 2009, test scores were grouped into four proficiency levels (clusters of skill-sets and competencies describing what pupils are likely to be able to do). Those proficiency levels are described in the report of the 2009 National Assessments, which is available on the website of the Educational Research Centre (

To facilitate comparability across classes and subjects, the cutpoints used to create each proficiency scale were based on predefined percentages of pupils. Thus, 10% of pupils were classified as at Level 4; 25% at Level 3; 30% at Level 2; and 25% at Level 1, with 10% of pupils described as failing to reach Level 1. Thus to respond directly to your question, 35% of pupils performed at level 3 or higher. The next round of national assessments was carried out earlier this year and will be published in 2015. It will facilitate direct comparison with the 2009 results.
