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Telecommunications Infrastructure

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 June 2014

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Questions (425)

Michael P. Kitt


425. Deputy Michael P. Kitt asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the position in relation to the licence-operational authority under which utility companies (details supplied) operate in relation to cabling domestic homes of customers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25893/14]

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Operators of cable television networks are required to register as an Authorised Undertaking with the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), in advance of establishing such networks or offering regulated communications services to the public and to comply with the ex-ante operational requirements imposed on authorised undertakings by ComReg. It is a matter for the appropriate Planning Authority to determine whether any particular type of proposed network development is subject to a planning consent requirement. Thereafter, it is a matter for each cable network provider to secure all necessary authorisations to construct any such network. Neither my Department nor ComReg has any function in this regard.
