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Septic Tank Grants

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 June 2014

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Questions (465)

Tom Fleming


465. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will introduce a proper grants scheme for septic tanks as the existing scheme is totally inadequate and misleading and gives the impression that septic tank grants are freely available; his views on whether the general public who reside in rural areas and are not connected to public sewerage schemes are being treated unfairly; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25931/14]

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On 25 June 2013, I signed the Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (Financial Assistance) Regulations 2013, a copy of which are available in the Oireachtas library. The Regulations brought into operation a grants scheme to assist with the cost of remediation of septic tanks and domestic waste water treatment systems which are deemed, following inspection under the EPA’s National Inspection Plan and the subsequent issue of an Advisory Notice by the local authority, to require repair or upgrading.

The Regulations provide that, subject to the applicant meeting all qualification criteria, a local authority may pay a grant to a person who is required, following an inspection, to have repairs or upgrades to, or replacement of, a septic tank or other domestic waste water treatment system. Full details of the scheme, including eligibility criteria, are clearly set out in the explanatory leaflet and application form publi shed on my Department’s website at:,33607,en.pdf .

When making the Regulations I was mindful of the need to target the limited resources available towards householders who had complied with the legal requirement to register their treatment systems by the deadline of 1 February 2013 and in particular at those households on lower incomes. I have no plans to extend, or to vary the terms and conditions regarding, the existing grant scheme. Householders who do not meet the eligibility criteria included in the above regulations but wish to remediate or upgrade their on-site treatment systems may qualify for relief under the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) Scheme introduced under Section 5 of the Finance (No.2.) Act 2013. The HRI scheme covers main residence repairs, renovations and improvements, including the repair or replacement of septic tanks. The scheme is administered by the Revenue Commissioners and full details are published on Revenue’s website (

Question No. 466 answered with Question No. 431.