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Industrial Relations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 June 2014

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Questions (513)

Sean Fleming


513. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of cases before the Labour Court, the Equality Tribunal, the CPSA and the EAT involving civil servants taking cases against his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25632/14]

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My Department currently has one case in relation to the Employment Equality Acts pending in the Equality Tribunal. My Department has no cases currently before the Labour Court, CPSA or the EAT. In respect of one additional case, my Department has been named as co-respondent along with three other Government Departments. As the subject matter is not of relevance to my Department, my officials will seek the removal of this Department as a respondent when the case comes to hearing.
