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Jobs Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 19 June 2014

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Questions (75)

Ged Nash


75. Deputy Gerald Nash asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will provide details on the Industrial Development Agency and Enterprise Ireland supported companies in County Louth in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 in tabular form; the number of jobs supported in County Louth by the agencies in the years concerned; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26438/14]

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The Forfás Annual Employment Survey reports on job gains and losses in companies that are supported by the enterprise development agencies. Details of the total number of people employed in IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland client companies in each of the years from 2010 to 2013, inclusive, are set out in the tabular statements. Figures for 2014 will not be available until year end.

I am glad to say that the numbers employed in County Louth in companies supported by the enterprise development agencies operating under the aegis of my Department, IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, has steadily increased in the four year period 2010 to 2013 inclusive. Total employment in IDA Ireland companies has risen from 1,286 at end 2010 to 2,299 at end 2013, while total job numbers in Enterprise Ireland client companies rose from 4,962 at end 2010 to 5,032 at end 2013. County Louth together with Counties Cavan and Monaghan comprise the IDA Ireland North East Region. Across the region as a whole there are 36 IDA Ireland supported companies employing 3,981people with the highest concentration of companies located in Louth. The main clusters that have emerged in the North East are in international business services, mainly Financial Services, and consumer goods and manufacturing.

There have been a number of substantial FDI announcements for County Louth in recent years with the potential to create thousands of jobs. In 2012, Paypal announced the creation of 1,000 jobs over the next four years and as recently as yesterday the company announced that it will add two new strategic functions to the site which will create an additional 400 new jobs in Dundalk, County Louth over the next four years. During 2013 National Pen announced the creation of 200 permanent jobs over a five year period while eBay, Inc. announced 450 high quality new jobs at an Operations Centre in Dundalk. Also in 2013 Becton, Dickinson and Company announced a €3.5 million investment in its plant in Drogheda on new equipment to manufacture state-of-the-art safety needles designed to help protect healthcare workers and patients from medical sharps injuries. The investment has created 28 new jobs at the plant. More recently, the company further announced that €16 million has been invested to expand its production of BD Posiflush syringes. The investment has created an additional 20 new jobs at the plant.

A core focus for Enterprise Ireland is to support the internationalisation of indigenous companies in County Louth and indeed the Region. This involves working with both existing clients and new companies – on a one to one confidential basis and on a group basis – to help them grow internationally. In terms of infrastructure, Enterprise Ireland has supported five Enterprise Centres in County Louth, which include the Science Services Centre at Finnabair Business Park and more recently the Creative Spark Enterprise Centre on the Inner relief road at Muirhevnamor. As well as infrastructure, potential entrepreneurs need guidance and encouragement when exploring a new business opportunity. Dundalk Institute of Technology manages Enterprise Ireland’s New Frontiers Programme, a six month intensive programme for new potential entrepreneurs to research a project idea. Phase II of year 3 of the programme was launched at the beginning of June 2014 with 12 participants, 7 of which are from County Louth. Participants receive financial support of €15,000 from Enterprise Ireland as they focus on developing an investor ready business plan over a six-month period, during phase 2 of the programme. They are also given office space in the Institute of Technology’s incubation centre, mentoring and access to networking opportunities with potential investors.

Table showing the number of people employed in IDA Ireland Client Companies 2010 – 2013






No. of Companies





Total Jobs





Table showing the number of people employed in Enterprise Ireland Client Companies 2010 – 2013.






No. of Companies





Total Jobs




