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Proposed Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 June 2014

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Questions (85)

Seán Kyne


85. Deputy Seán Kyne asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the progress of the Children and Family Relationships Bill; if the Bill is likely to be introduced on Second Stage before the summer recess; and if it is envisaged that the Bill will be enacted, including any ministerial orders or regulations, before the end of the year. [26684/14]

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As the Deputy may be aware, the Government published the draft General Scheme of the Children and Family Relationships Bill on 30 January 2014 and forwarded the Scheme to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality requesting that the Committee undertake a public consultation on the Scheme. The advice of the Ombudsman for Children was also sought on the proposals. I received the advice of the Ombudsman for Children on the General Scheme of the Children and Family Relationships Bill on 28 May 2014, and the pre-legislative scrutiny report by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality on the General Scheme on 29 May 2014. The Ombudsman's advice and the Committee's report contain a number of recommendations which I am currently considering in the context of finalising the General Scheme and of seeking Government approval to draft the Bill proper. As the General Scheme has not yet been finalised, it is not possible for the Bill to be drafted and introduced to second stage before the summer recess. My aim is to proceed to drafting of the Bill as soon as possible, subject to Government approval, with a view to enactment in 2015.
