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Universal Health Insurance Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 25 June 2014

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Questions (18)

Éamon Ó Cuív


18. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Health the progress made to date in introducing universal health insurance; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26887/14]

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The Government has embarked on a major reform programme for the health system, the aim of which is to deliver a single-tier health service, supported by universal health insurance (UHI), where there is fair access to services based on need, not on ability to pay. Under UHI, everyone will have a choice of health insurer and access to a standard package of health services. In addition, a system of financial protection will ensure affordability by paying or subsidising UHI premiums for those who qualify.

The White Paper on Universal Health Insurance was published on 2nd April and is available on my Department's website at It provides substantial detail on the UHI model for Ireland, the process for determining the future health basket, including the standard package of services covered under UHI, funding mechanisms and the key stages of the journey to UHI. Since publication of the White Paper, work on the following key areas to advance UHI has been underway:

- A wide-ranging public consultation on the overall policy set out in the White Paper commenced on 2nd April and remained open for submissions from the public and other stakeholders until 28th May. 134 submissions have been received and these will be subject to an independent thematic analysis. It is anticipated that the report on the thematic analysis will be completed by the end of September.

- Ongoing preparatory work to establish an Expert Commission which will consult widely and make recommendations in relation to the scope and composition of the future health basket is being carried out. It is my intention to bring proposals to Government in relation to this proposed body in the near future.

- The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children has been invited to develop a Values Framework which will help inform the work of the Expert Commission in making recommendations on the services for inclusion in the future health basket. Officials from my Department have held discussions with the Committee and it is hoped that it will be in a position to commence hearings with stakeholders in the coming months.

- On the issue of the cost of UHI, I have initiated a major costing exercise to estimate the likely cost of UHI both for the State and individuals and households. This a complex exercise which requires expert analytical support and input from a number of State agencies. I expect to have initial results from this exercise early in 2015.

- My Department has commenced a baseline examination of the current financial support systems in the health sector. This will be followed by policy proposals on the financial subsidy system for UHI.

My aim is to have all necessary preparatory work for UHI in place by early 2016 with a view to full implementation of UHI by 2019.
